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Posts posted by nadiappp

  1. This is an important question and a tricky situation, but I don't know any solution. It's a pity you didn't turn on Request to order (if you have this option) or vet your buyer in some other way. Also, if you have longer delivery times, if the buyer ignores your cancellation request, *I think* cancellation happens automatically after a certain period (a few days, not sure how many) of buyer's inactivity. This doesn't help your current problem though.

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  2. 2 hours ago, newsmike said:

    Think about it. The $39 product has 137 5 star reviews, while the $29 product has 14,393 5 star reviews.

    Well, on Amazon, from personal experience, half a star difference means a BIG difference in quality. So, unless the product has a suspiciously low number of sales, I'll go for 5 stars. Price is also important to analyze on Amazon. If it has a low price and a huge number of reviews, I'll know those reviews do not reflect high quality, but rather a quality corresponding to the low price. Again, since I'm looking for high quality, I'll go for 5 stars, even (or maybe: because) it costs more.

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  3. I wonder if on the app buyers also have the opportunity to see the rating they assigned to the seller before they approve it. If there is a "back button" to fix their error this might help avoid (to a degree) a rating that was not intended. So, if there is such a button, Fiverr might consider the problem non-existent. It does not protect the sellers from non-attentive buyers, though.

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  4. It would be nice if adding one more decimal to the visible public rating were the only change in the public ratings. But, as Kesha said in the other post:

    "we're currently testing adjustments to the public rating score calculation, which may impact your public rating score in the coming weeks. [...] The new public score calculation incorporates historical private feedback, aiming to reflect client feedback more holistically and enhance the reliability of ratings as a decision-making tool."

    So, if I understand this correctly, the public rating will become a combination of public and private rating.

    • Like 6
  5. 6 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

    I remember reading at a couple of places that dash means that system doesn't have enough data to calculate the score (possibly in comparison to other sellers in the category). 

    And like you mentioned you haven't done a lot of orders in the last 2 years - so that must be the case. It needs more recent data to calculate the score. 

    On plus side, your gig's history seems to be on plus side with a score of 8. So potentially, its just about delivering a few new orders and hoping that it will trigger the  calculation of score & seller level. 

    Thank you!

    • Like 2
  6. From Fiverr's point of view, there is no need to remove the possibility of perpetual revisions. It benefits buyers. The seller can always remind the buyer that the terms of the order include only n number of revisions (unless they offer unlimited revisions). Sure, your proposal would make sellers' life much easier, but I doubt that Fiverr would be interested in restricting buyers' powers in this regard. Also, some sellers are not very good in what they do. So if they offer only, say, 1 revision, that single revision would be quickly exhausted, with the buyer still remaining unhappy.

    • Like 3
  7. Buyers have the option to extend the review period. They do not need seller's agreement to do this. Even when the current buyer's extension ends, they can request another extension, and another ... for as many times as they wish. I do not think you can do anything in this situation. BUT, if it starts to feel that the buyer is abusing their power of extending, I'd contact customer support.

    To be fair, it seems you delivered the order on the 20th. So, it's not really that long...

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, carineb said:

    In fact, in both cases I mentioned earlier, neither of my two clients even chose to rate me 4! They selected a very happy face because they are very satisfied, and it's Fiverr that arbitrarily decided to give me 4. It seems like review manipulation 🙄

    That's interference in buyer's evaluation, steering the buyer to give a lower rating than intended. Not fair.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, emmaki said:

    It's not the 4 stars that is the problem. It's Fiverr's lack of transparency and bad design that is. 

    If Fiverr would implement "real world" 5-star review systems, things would be a bit calmer. As it is, we have a system that is deliberately meant to inflict lower ratings on sellers to make the marketplace less 5-starry. Doesn't matter if it's Google Reviews, Yelp, Etsy, UW, Amazon, Ebay.... there would be uproar there too.

    Toothless uproar, but uproar nevertheless. Our wishes never came into the equation - most of us just want Fiverr to hire some people and finally get rid of the sellers that drag us all down with them, rather than rely on a broken and badly designed AI system to tear the entire marketplace down at once.

    I would say not an unpopular opinion, just an uninformed one, but I realize you were probably meme-ing. 

    Yes, you are right. I am aware of the unfairness of the scale, designed to trick buyers to give a rating they themselves do not wish to give. That's also the reason for the introduction of "value of money" category. I read the transcript of the second-last webinar where it seemed that their data about value of money is totally at odds with the real-world (albeit short in time) experience by the sellers.

    • Like 19
  10. Almost all my orders have been custom offers and I've never seen this. Did you try it also on the computer, not only in the app?

    If CS doesn't provide a solution, escalate it - demand a higher tier support. There shouldn't be a situation where you are left without your payment.

    I don't know how or if you can contact CS on the forum.

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