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Posts posted by graphics_excel

  1. 1 hour ago, joakimpe said:

    If you have been getting more 4-star reviews in the last months, you are not alone. Actually, it's a simple reason for why this is the case, and if you dont already know, it's not your fault.

    I have tried and tested one technique that makes 4-stars much less frequent.

    Just a sidenote: I will not give you "5 general rules of improving your service!".  No, I have one trick that I have tried and tested, that will help.

    First, to understand why my technique I will work, you need to understand why we are all getting more 4-star reviews. 
    (If you know why, you can skip this part)

    Fiverr has simply changed the rating system recently. Before it was simple; As a buyer you get an option to choose between 1-5 stars. That's it. 
    What about today? Well, now buyers are given 5 statements (bad, good, great etc.) The reason we get alot of 4-stars is because the statement that is representing the 4 star is a natural answer. I dont remember the exact statement, but it's along the lines of "Great experience". 5-stars on the other hand is more along the lines of "Exceptional experience". Most buyers dont know this is a rating system, and will simply go with the most natual answer, which normally is answer 4.

    The important thing to take away from this is that many buyers missunderstand this, and they dont understand they are leaving a review when answering these statements.

    Now that we have understood why you get 4-star reviews, let's talk about how to avoid it:

    At the end of each order add something like this:

    "When the order is completed you will get asked to select one of five statements regarding how satisfied you are, which corresponds to how many stars you give."
    REMEMBER: Do NOT ask for a 5-star review. You can only ask for a review, but not a good review.

    The reason why this works so good is because what I just mentioned - many buyers get confused. They dont know that answering the statements are making them leave a review. So just make them aware that the statements are the review itself! Have gotten multiple people contacting me afterwards telling me they did not mean to leave a 4 star 

    This works great, hope this helps you!

    Your topic has really opened my eye to definite possibilities with the new rating system for buyers. I think we need to figure out a way to enlighten our buyers in order to ensure that their review reflects the efforts we put into achieving the best on projects.

    • Like 19
  2. On 2/26/2024 at 11:57 PM, Kesha said:

    In light of our new ratings and review system, let’s discuss the dos and don'ts of soliciting reviews from your customers. Understanding the importance of positive reviews in achieving success on Fiverr, it's crucial to consistently provide an excellent experience for your buyers. This involves effective communication, upholding professionalism, and delivering top-notch work—all of which can lead to better reviews. 

    Beyond these dedicated efforts in the order process, sometimes, a buyer won’t leave a review, and it may also be necessary to actively ask and encourage buyers to leave one to ensure you get the credit due. When asking for feedback, it’s important to adhere to our Terms of Service and avoid the following:

    • Feedback manipulation- This is defined as using manipulative language to influence favorable reviews. Tactics such as bribing, coaching, or guilt-tripping customers are not acceptable. Examples include:
      • “Please leave me a good review.” Or, “If you had a good experience, please leave a review".
      • “I won’t be able to feed my family if you leave me a bad review.”
      • “If you leave me a good review I will deliver something a little extra for you.”
    • Threats- Steer clear of any actions that imply negative repercussions for customers leaving unfavorable reviews. Examples include:
      • “I will ruin your website if you don’t leave me a good review.”
      • “I will report you if you don’t leave a good review.”

    When in doubt, simply asking for an honest review could go a long way. Once submitted, unless it violates our Terms of Service, a review can only be changed or removed by Customer Support. If you disagree with or require further clarification on a review, you may politely inquire without being confrontational. For instance, you could say, "Hi, I noticed your recent review and would appreciate any feedback on how I could improve." In cases where a buyer unintentionally leaves a low rating, tactfully seeking clarification may prompt them to want to correct the review. 

    If your buyer mentions the low rating was an accident, you can coach them through the process of revising the review by reaching out to Customer Support. Keep in mind that before changing the review, Support will examine the conversation to ensure no manipulation took place. Use phrases like, “if you’d like” or “no pressure” to ensure your messages are not interpreted as manipulation. 

    Remember, maintaining an impartial tone when discussing feedback with customers is essential. Avoid placing undue pressure on them to rate you in a specific way. This approach not only ensures customer satisfaction but also safeguards you from warnings or potential bans, ultimately preserving your long-term success on the platform.

    Its great to have these tips stated here on the forum. It will help guide existing and new sellers who are just getting the hang of how fiverr works. Being polite in requesting for your buyers to leave a review is very important too. Thank you and keep up the great work!

    • Like 15
  3. Hello, I know this could actually make your heart skip a bit, but everything is fine. I'll suggest that you reach out to Fiverr Customer Service, they are very friendly and always availiable to help you look into it. It might be a little glitch or bug somewhere messing up with you.

    • Like 7
  4. 10 hours ago, deve_ashiq said:

    For a few days I can see that the impression of the gig is increasing. But not getting any order. Not getting a response. Can anyone tell any way.

    You need to be a bit patient with that. Since your gig impressions are improving, it means that your gig is doing great. Make sure your gigs are open to accepting briefs, and ensure that you respond to these briefs on time too. Your next buyer will definitely open doors for more orders. 

    • Like 5
  5. On 6/6/2023 at 6:46 PM, emmanuel_l19 said:

    Hello everyone, I am new to this platform and don't know how common or normal this is.

    First, they wanted me to move to Telegram, and, when I refused they sent me this:

    And also got some others with this


    I would appreciate it if anyone can tell me more about these types of messages.

    This is a spam message. It is against Fiver TOS to communicate outside of the Fiverr platform.

    I usually respond that I don't work off Fiverr and that we can keep our discussion here, then I mark the message as spam.

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  6. Actually, a whole lot of people don't want to add value to a conversation. They want to be seen as present at a sitting but instead of reading through a discussion and contributing positively to it, they just prefer to drop a casual response as easy as copying someone else comment and just past it. 😁😁😁.

    After all, the purpose of having a discussion is for us all to learn from one another.


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  7. That's true, Fiverr has replaced buyer's request with brief feature.

    The brief feature enables you to get briefs from buyers who have projects to work on and need the services of designers. Their briefs will be sent to you and you can send them a direct message in response to their brief. You also have the option of sending them an offer in relation to their brief and budget for their project.

    I hope this explains the brief feature. 

    I wish you all the best on your Fiverr journey!

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  8. On 2/7/2023 at 9:01 PM, mabelma said:

    Profile Description:

    The Profile Description is where you will be able to talk about who you are, and what you have done. Feel free to include details like past notable clients, where you are based in, and how much experience you have working in your field. Keep it brief but be remarkable. It also helps to talk about yourself in the 3rd person as it gives a higher sense of professionalism than talking about yourself in the 1st first person. So, no I am this or that. As an example, take look at my description:

    “AntonioMabs, is the lead artist and founder at Mabsarts, an art services business focused on helping creators of all types and skill levels reach their full potential through creative solutions. He also creates cultural events in Puerto Rico for the betterment of the arts through live music, community mural events, and social media marketing. With over 15 years of experience as a professional artist, illustrator, and animator AntonioMabs has completed over 3,000 graphic-based projects all over the world. Working with worldwide clients like Marvel, Ferraiouli LLC, Fiverr, and many more.”

    You have a limited amount of space so make it worth it.

    ***It is also very important that when you list past clients you only list clients that you've actually worked with before, and that you ask permission to list them as reference clients. It is not enough to have written a blog post about them, or to have done fan art for them. You need to have been actually hired by them to create something. Be mindful with the clients you add to your list as adding fake clients can land you in big trouble.***

    Wow... Thanks so much for this Antonio!

    This is really insightful and very thoughtful. I loved every part of your writeup and I am definitely sure I will make some changes to my profile info as advised. 3rd person singular... I never thought of that for one bit!

    If you are looking to improve you profile and gig status, this is the right article for you!

    • Like 39

    38 minutes ago, webdevrdx said:

    My conversion rate is good Now after my gig optimization. Most of the clients show their interest at first then I guide them on how I will do the service and they appreciate it at first.  But at some point, they do not agree to buy. Am I making any mistake by explaining my service? What should I do to make sales?

    Most times, clients who are ready to buy come prepared and are probably speaking with other sellers too. I think the problem might be you not deciding quickly on what it will cost for them to purchase our services. From my own perspective, once you get the client's attention and you know what they need, go ahead and ask them to purchase your or send them a custom order. 

    You can also add a sense of urgency by offering to hand them discount coupons if them purchase right away.

    I hope this helps... All the best!

    • Like 8
  10. On 6/17/2023 at 10:37 PM, smashradio said:

    Be polite and friendly

    You'd be surprised by what a "Thank you for looking into this" and "I hope you're doing well" can do to the outcome of any case. Just think about how you, as a seller, are more likely to be extra helpful to a buyer if they're polite, friendly, and professional in their communication.



    This should be everyone's watchword all day, everyday. Being polite and friendly can really go a long way in solving a lot of problems. The staffs working in the CS section are human beings too and being polite will definitely have a positive impact on them. For me, it has helped me gain faster resolve to my tickets as the person who handles my ticket will surely want to help me. I ensure that I greet, ask about their well being, commend them for their tireless efforts in making Fiverr a great marketplace for buyers and sellers. I also ensure that I frequently use the word PLEASE and THANK YOU. 

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  11. On 10/1/2023 at 8:40 PM, nickj2013 said:

    Unfortunately not. In its current form, Promoted Gigs is not as detailed or extensive as other advertising services. Perhaps they'll expand its functionality in the future.

    What other advertising services are you referring to?

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  12. 21 minutes ago, vibronx said:

    There was no question in the post I responded to in your quote. He was simply going off about how it's "next to impossible" to get orders as a new seller—which is false.

    I have shared plenty of tips on this forum. Hundreds of posts full of tips, in fact. They all tend to fall on deaf ears.

    I have nothing more to add than what I wrote in the thread linked below:


    Its amazing getting a reference post from you, this should be of help to him and everyone who seeks answers to related questions. Keep up the great work!

    • Like 6
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  13. 1 hour ago, webdevrdx said:

    I've Edited my gig for some optimization then it is not showing on the search result. is there any possibility that this optimization can decrease my impression and Click? is it can be the reason for not getting the order from a New Client? How often should I optimize a gig in a month?

    When did you make the changes on your gig? It is advised by Fiverr that gigs should be optimized not too frequently as you can only notice the impact of the changes within 3 months. So you need to be patient and try to search for other ways to rank your gigs better. Have you tried promoting your gigs?

    • Like 10
  14. 2 hours ago, vibronx said:

    You have to go further back than that... $5 gigs weren't exactly the norm 4-5 years ago, either. We all started with zero reviews. Some of us just had a business plan before starting...

    And there are plenty of sellers who have become successful with relatively new accounts—the reason being that these sellers are actually offering something that buyers want AND that they are awesome at what they do. @vickieito has done extremely well in a short amount of time, and there's also a seller (not on the forum) I've worked with who amassed almost 150 reviews in a bit over a year. And I'm sure there are many, many more examples.

    Try to look inward instead and figure out what you might be lacking when compared to successful sellers instead of just complaining.

    Your response seem a bit harsh, he was only asking an innocent question and I believe we are all here to learn. If you have any insightful tips, why don't you just share them with us so that we all benefit. Thank you

    • Like 6
  15. On 6/22/2023 at 4:20 PM, donnovan86 said:

    Most likely it's a bad private review, that seems to be the issue for a lot of people these days. If a buyer says that they were not satisfied in their private reviews, that can be an issue. My success manager said that despite only having a very good set of public reviews, those private reviews are pushing me back in search. I've been dealing with this for around 3-4 months now so..

    Wow, this probably might been an issue I am also dealing with. I can't find my gigs and my orders have totally disappeared for over a year now. I only get orders from repeat clients once a while.

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