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Posts posted by paschalisblack

  1. On 2/3/2024 at 8:49 AM, kholed_f said:

    did anyone experience something like me, suddenly the promot on all gigs died, and when I asked CS I didn't get an answer to what happened.


    exact same situation here today but not only that. My gigs are not showing anywhere on search results even thought they are eligible for promoted gig feature. Does it make any sense??

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  2. After a long time, my gigs are eligible for promotion throught fiverr's promoted gigs feature again. However, none of then appear anywhere on search results.

    Let's take a look on my situation as well as some fiverr facts:

    My gigs are tottally vanished from fiverr's search results the last 3-4 years. Every time I tried to contact fiverr support I receive the same automated answer: 

    "Thank you for reaching out about your Gig,

    Gigs on Fiverr shift their position daily and we cannot guarantee search positions and impressions.

    Gigs may also be removed from our Search feature due to poor performance.

    You can continue working with your existing buyers.

    We are here if you have additional questions."

    This is an answer I received litteraly dozens of times. Let's accept the fact that my gigs lack some quality metrics "which they never discuss further like it's a government secret. 

    Let's accept the fact that even all my statistics are 100%, my rating is 4,9/5 stars, my respnosne time is 1 hour, I am a level 2 seller etc. Let's agree that none of these matter and for some reason my gigs shouldn't appear on search results.

    Now, let's take a look on another fiverr fact:

    Gigs that have quality issues are not eligible for promotion throught fiverr's promoted gigs feature. This is a fact. 

    Now, at these moment my gigs are are eligible for promotion throught fiverr's promoted gigs feature. This is another fact. 

    That being said, my gigs are qualified enough for being advertised on fiverr's search results. THAT BEING SAID, they can't suffer from poor quality performance, because if they would, then they wouldn't be qualified for promoted gigs. 

    Do we agree so far?

    Well, then how is it possible that none of my gigs, appear on search results? And I mean nowhere. Even if I search it them with their exact title (or part of their title) and choose as a filter "sellers who live in my country". 

    So, I'm wondering, what is the point of promoted gigs in that case? 

    Am I crazy? Is it a system errror? Is it something else? 

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  3. 13 hours ago, savadvp4 said:

    I have same problems with him. I have requrested about this problem to fiverr support team. But they said I can find gig on search always. But this was impossible. I am serious about this problem and I want fix this problem asap. So please help me who know about this problem.

    I have the exact same problem.

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  4. Exact the same problem today. I am a lever 2 seller and fiverr seller for more than 7 years. My gigs used to be found on the very last pages for the last 2-3 years. But today, when I tried to search them, they are not anywhere, even the bottom of the very last page when choosing my countrly location as a filter. Gig status apears to be active when I check the gig status but this is not true. I know that fiverr results are personilized and bla bla bla but in this case my gigs are just not shwoing to anyone. Impressions and clicks are 0 too for the last 7 days. 

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  5. Same here. I got the promoted gigs feature a few months ago. After 2 days, I received a notification that my gigs are unqualified and can't be promoted anymore without any drop in my gig's performance. Until now, my statistics not only have been decreased but they have been increased even more. Not a single cancelation from December. Everything is at 100% and my overall rating is 4,9 but yet I haven't got the promoted feature back. I doubt I'll ever get it again. 

    • Like 20
  6. Orders are not guaranteed from that. Impressions only, and clicks are likely too if your thumbnail and title are interesting. But if you don’t see impressions, then you should check that the bid is good enough.

    No, I mean I had no orders at all in the last weeks before I was chosen for promoted gigs. This wasn’t a factor to be chosen for this feature. My performance was exactly the same like it always is. I just woke up one day and got the notification that I was invited to promoted gigs.

    • Like 15
  7. I think it’s related to the promoted gigs feature. I too saw a huge impressions drop after my gigs were suddenly not eligible to be promoted. And then a couple of weeks later they were eligible again, and impressions jumped up like crazy. And promoted gigs page said only about 30 impressions, while I got thousands of them from just regular viewing.

    Did they really become eligible for promotion again? I think mine will never be after they stopped being eligible.

    • Like 11
  8. I have the exact same issue. I was invited to promoted gigs feature and after 2 days I got the notification that my gigs can’t be promoted anymore, due to lack of quality etc. I contacted CS and this was their reply:

    "Upon review, I can see that your Gig looks amazing but is still need to meed additional metrics in order to be fully promoted. This means that it will be monitored by our team and reviewed every now and then, and you will be notified as soon as it fulfills their additional requirements.

    I cannot provide you with their additional requirements since I am not a part of that team, however, I assure you that the Gig will be monitored and that you will be allowed to promote the Gig once the moment comes.

    What you can do on your side is to keep up the good work, and our team will be reaching out to you in no time!

    Also, kindly be informed that our system works in a way that gives all freelancers a chance to work. This was implemented by shuffling all the gigs available at the moment on our site so that not just gigs from the leveled, but also from the new sellers come up on the search page. Also, every user gets different search results according to their profile. This sometimes causes confusion among sellers - worry not, all of your Gigs are seen!"

    • Like 5
  9. Isn’t that against the rules?

    Absolutely not. I have contacted fiverr’s customer support 2 times just to make sure that I don’t violate any rule with this specific gig and they assured me that it is 100% legal.

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