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Status Updates posted by lancodwini

  1. Hello Family, how's everyone doing?

    So I've been noticing some kind of unique changes to some seller accounts, especially the portfolio section. A first, I thought it was unique only to the PRO sellers but I found out that it isn't. It's mostly seen with the LEVEL 2 Sellers accounts. I'm a level 2 seller as well and I noticed I can't seem to find my way around that feature.

    Here is a screenshot of what I mean👇👇. I know of the one you upload to your gig slide but this looks better but I don't know how to go about it. Can somebody show me how it's done, Level 2 Sellers precisely since I find it mostly on their accounts?


    NB: So sorry @volunteerthat I had to use your profile as the sample reference😊🙏

    portfolio sample share.png

  2. Hello Family, how's everyone doing?

    So I've been noticing some kind of unique changes to some seller accounts, especially the portfolio section. A first, I thought it was unique only to the PRO sellers but I found out that it isn't. It's mostly seen with the LEVEL 2 Sellers accounts. I'm a level 2 seller as well and I noticed I can't seem to find my way around that feature.

    Here is a screenshot of what I mean👇👇. I know of the one you upload to your gig slide but this looks better but I don't know how to go about it. Can somebody show me how it's done, Level 2 Sellers precisely since I find it mostly on their accounts?


    NB: So sorry @volunteerthat I had to use your profile as the sample reference😊🙏

    portfolio sample share.png

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