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Posts posted by easymedia

    • Since we are encouraged to advertise outside of Fiverr, a detailed course on how to market our fiverr gigs outside of fiverr would be great.
    • I do voice overs so another cool thing I’d like to see is a Fiverr Learn course specifically for audio enhancement/egineering specifically for voice overs.
    • And in the Fiverr Seller Plus, since we are paying for it, it would be great is our account managers would reach out to us once a month automatically (even if it’s just by email) to give us a breakdown of how we are doing, instead of us scheduling an appointment.
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  1. On 3/29/2023 at 3:43 PM, terrygrantvo said:

    My thoughts are that the title of this thread should have been 'I Am Actively Trying My Best To Make Sure That AI Voice Overs Replace Me'. 🙂

    Kidding aside, I am not so much worried about AI replacing human creativity as I am that it will (in very short order) be able to create a dull facsimile that is just good enough that most people simply won't care.

    Sort of like that ridiculously annoying TikTok/Instagram Reels voice, only... you know, probably better.

    Great title! lol! 
    But, yes, you are correct. There are many things that low-quality "replacements" can be used for, but those videos and reels are low-quality to begin with. They are made mostly by the average person just trying to play along with trends that are entertaining. No one would higher a professional actor to voice those things to begin with. So, that doesn't bother me. Now, if big Hollywood film studios start using AI voices to completely replace the actors... then I'll be upset. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, newsmike said:

    To be clear, was that your voice that you uploaded and then synthesized? I'd check EULA for elevenlabs if that is the case because you most likely granted them the rights to recreate and resell your voice forever. Have you seen the gigs on Fiverr where you can sample the seller with AI?  I was in the original meetings they had along with about a dozen other sellers when they wanted to test this prior to launch, and that was the reason none of us decided to go forward. Buried in the fine print was the fact that they own anything you upload and can sell it in perpetuity. 


    No I did not know about the Voice Audition beta! Wow! Well, this is what I found so far on the site, but I'll do a deeper dive soon. 

    Screen Shot 2023-04-01 at 11.26.48 AM.png

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  3. On 3/20/2023 at 12:50 PM, frank_d said:

    We now have the ability to record a video of us, so that buyers can watch and get a sense of who we are.

    I have yet to do this, but as you mentioned above, when things are slow, it's time to update! So, I think it's time to film that intro vid. I think it's a great concept. Not new. When I was an actor in la, I had to film many "slates" for casting directors and agents. But, I wonder how many buyers would actually watch it when so many don't seem to even read our gig descriptions or FAQs or requirements.... etc. But I guess watching a video is easier than reading. We shall see! Thanks for this post!

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  4. There was a little curiosity about the voice clones so here is a short little thing I put together. There was post-editing involved to slow down the clone and enhance the vocals. Too much editing, in my experience, makes the clone sound more robotic. Ignore the music because that's all I had that sounded close enough to "lofi." 

    This clone was given 25 short samples in .aif for the highest quality output. The site I used was ElevenLabs.

    But have a listen if you like and tell me... how "real" does it sound to you?

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  5. 16 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    I've been saying for a while that AI will eventually replace many of us if we don't adapt. When I decided that I was actually proud to work on Fiverr, not ashamed, I got a lot of bile from the tophats in the business. Let's just say that the same people still use ISDN and want to get paid 5000 bucks for something you can easily get for 500 on Fiverr today while complaining about the "less talented" people undercutting them at every turn. 

    Do I think that AI can replace a voice actor? Absolutely. In some cases. The nuance of a human can't easily be replicated, and I think that AI voices will eventually compete with us for cheap explainer video scripts and mindless Youtube-videos.

    At least, that's true of prominent languages like English. I'm lucky enough to be Norwegian, and we can't even get a decent Google Home voice in 2023. I might have five years left before I start to feel it.

    I've also been on Fiverr since 2014, and though I'll admit I started with some cheap gear, I quickly understood that if I wanted to succeed (for real) in the business, I needed to up my game. My experience over the last decade (in addition to my years in radio before that) has helped separate me from the cheap microphone people (and I'm using that as a term for sellers who think they can just upload a stock photo and record in their bathrooms). Oh, wait. You can do that now, with your phone, and still get a decent result, as I wrote about in my AI voice enhancer post. Good lord.

    However, I don't think AI can easily replace a true human actor with years of experience, but it can most certainly supplement it. 

    I use AI like ChatGPT and Bing frequently to assist me in creative processes but never to replace them. I think that's the key to understanding and using AI: it's a tool helping to perfect your craft: not a craftsman (or woman). 

    Even so, I think it's foolish not to be slightly afraid of AI technology. While embracing it, we should strive to balance the risks because even the creators of AI, such as ChatGPT, are a bit afraid.

    Let's not walk into a trap where AI becomes a new religion but, rather, a new science. That includes discussing the risks, especially in the short term, as layoffs will happen. Most people have no idea what's coming, and it will hit them hard. The end result will be hungry people. 

    "Hunger is the mother of anarchy."

    - Herbert Hoover

    We won't have the technology to feed everyone in the medium and short term, as they become irrelevant. We're not into Star Trek replicator territory yet. And we need to get there sooner rather than later because this race toward AI will cause upheaval in more ways than one.

    That said, seeing how talent uses this new tech to create positive outcomes is exciting and I'm looking forward to see what can come of your projects in the future. 


    Well said, well said! I completely agree.

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  6. 33 minutes ago, ivosantos546 said:

    How do I prove that at the time of my buy, there where no commercial rights offered on the gig?

    Ooof, that is a tough question. Other than taking screenshots of order numbers and dates, I don't know! But I would assume, that in a legal dispute, a lawyer can get information from Fiverr that a seller or buyer cannot, especially if there is a legitimate lawsuit. 

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  7. When I first heard about AI voice cloning, I was both fascinated and freaked out. I mean, the idea that someone could clone my voice to a point where it's indistinguishable from the real thing is both incredible and concerning. But rather than fear this change, I decided to embrace it and create my own voice clone. I mean, if AI is going to put me out of business soon, then I’m going to put myself out of business first (lol).

    As a professional actor of 15 years and voice-over artist, I know that content is king. Quality content will always win, and that's why I teamed up with other potentially phased out sellers to create our own content using AI. The key is to think outside the box and leverage our expertise and experience to create something truly unique and high-quality.

    I believe that most people using AI to create content don't actually know what they're doing and lack the necessary expertise in the respective fields. But as professionals, we have a competitive edge that we can use to create content that stands out. It's like the ultimate collaboration between man and machine.

    Of course, I don't use my voice clone on Fiverr because, let's be real, it's not as good as a human voice and the exported audio is low quality mp3. I know that nothing beats the real thing. While AI voice cloning technology has come a long way, it still falls short in terms of the nuances and subtleties that make human speech so powerful and emotive. A human voice actor can bring a level of authenticity and emotional depth to a performance that simply can't be replicated by a machine. The tone, inflection, and cadence of a human voice are influenced by a wide range of factors, such as mood, intention, and context, and even imperfections, which are difficult to program into an AI voice clone. And yet, the emotive capabilities of the clone really do shock me sometimes.

    How do I plan to use it? Things are set in motion already! I’m using my clone to supplement my own voice for my self-published fiction novels. Since the clone sounds like me, I can easily replace any weird and robotic parts that it inevitably produces. It's like having a backup singer, but instead of singing, it's talking.

    Voice actors fearing AI could be akin to voice actors who feared Fiverr and other voice-over platforms. People seem to forget that Fiverr and other gig economy companies have already shaken the boat in the TV and Film industry. It meant less jobs/money for actors, talent agents, casting directors, crew, and post-production people. 

    But instead of me ranting and raving about it, I joined Fiverr in 2014. Now, I’ve been a Top Rated seller for ages. I knew I would succeed on Fiverr because I was competing with people who thought they could just buy a cheap microphone and make hella money off of voice acting when they have no background in acting and editing to begin with. My craft was honed using decades of classes, workshops, real-life auditions, and the real-life struggles of hustling in Los Angeles. This is what separates me from others. It’s not just my unique voice, it’s my unique experience. I can adapt my voice to fit different characters, genres, and styles, making them invaluable assets to any production, no matter how big or small.

    So, while AI voice cloning technology has made great strides, human voice actors still reign supreme in terms of delivering authentic and emotionally powerful performances. As professionals, we must embrace new technology and use it to enhance our skills and stay ahead of the game, but we should never forget the value that human connection and emotion bring to the art of just about anything. 

    The rise of AI technology is an opportunity to think outside the box and explore new possibilities. By embracing this change and using it as a tool to enhance our skills and create something unique, we can stay ahead of the game. Don't be afraid of AI technology, but instead, use it to collaborate and create something truly amazing. The possibilities are endless, and I, for one, am excited to see where this technology takes us.

    Ironically, this post was created with the help of ChatGPT just to prove a point: Was this post valuable to you? Did this add quality content to the Fiverr Forum? That, to me, is what counts in the end. What are your thoughts?

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  8. 1 minute ago, uk1000 said:

    Couldn't the robotic sounding parts be reduced by training it with a longer duration sample, so it might produce less of those robotic sounds in future outputs?

    To a point. Right now, ElevenLabs has a limit of 25 samples you can upload per "voice," and there's a size limit per sample. I've maxed out two kinds of "tones" of my own voice. It's very time consuming, but by the end of it... nearly indistinguishable. Even importing high quality audio files, the export is mp3, has a grainy sound to it, and the cloned voice itself has a slight reverb-y quality that lacks the warmth/depth of a human voice when you compare my recorded audio with the clone. 

    And then there is the "acting." Now, I'm not gonna lie, it does a decent job of "emoting" but nowhere near what I can manage. I can also make several acting choices for dialogue (which is the clone's weakest link so far) that the clone just can't manage. The tools to change pitch or tone are not the best. The clone also reads very fast. Too fast. 

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  9. Yes, I was freaked out at first, but also completely fascinated. When a friend of mine sent me audio of my own voice that I definitely did not do myself, I think I was stunned for 3 days straight but also showing everyone I knew about it to see if they could be fooled. And they were. Every time. Now, it's not perfect. The audio quality is poor and export in mp3 only but... Eventually and potentially, voice actors here on Fiverr could be phased out.

    There is no other choice (in my mind) but to embrace it. So, I thought on it long and hard and created my own voice clone. If AI is going to put me out of business, then I'm going to put myself out of business first! (lol)
    I take it as an opportunity to explore future possibilities to turn other passions into money.

    Content is King right now, and probably always will be. Think outside the box. Make a team of other potentially phased out sellers and create your own content using AI. Quality content will always win. And who better to dish it out than the people who actually know quality from their own arduous education and experience? You.

    I think most people using AI to write books, articles, voice overs, art... they don't actually know what they're doing and have no prior experience in the area they want to make money on. That's YOUR edge. Use it!

    I think I'll write a complete post of how I'm doing this soon.

    Making an edit here: I do NOT use my clone on Fiverr. It's very poor quality compared to a human voice. As a professional actor of 15 years, I'm the better option over my own clone. I plan to use it to supplement my own voice for my Self-published books. Since the clone sounds like me, I can easily replace weird and robotic parts the clone inevitably makes... all the time.

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  10. First and foremost, I am not a therapist. These tips and opinions are my own and come from years of experiencing PMDD symptoms, which include anxiety and depression among a slew of other issues. They are not a substitute for professional mental health care. 

    Now on with the show:

    Handling demanding buyers on Fiverr can be challenging, especially when you're also dealing with anxiety symptoms. Anxiety is a common condition that can cause feelings of worry, fear, and nervousness, which can make it difficult to handle stressful situations.

    As a seller on Fiverr, it's important to remember that difficult or demanding buyers are not a reflection of your worth or your skills. It's natural to feel anxious when dealing with someone who is being demanding or unreasonable, but it's important to stay professional and not take their behavior personally.

    Here are some tips for handling difficult buyers on Fiverr while experiencing anxiety symptoms:

    • Take care of yourself first. When you're dealing with anxiety symptoms, it's important to prioritize self-care. This may mean taking breaks throughout the day, practicing relaxation techniques, and getting enough rest. When you feel better physically and emotionally, you'll be better able to handle difficult situations.
      • Easier said than done sometimes, which is why you MUST be honest with yourself. 
      • Be quick to recognize your symptoms. This takes lots of practice. (I used to wear a rubberband on my wrist and gently snap it whenever I finally realized my anxiety had taken the wheel of my emotions and thoughts.) A trained therapist can help you recognize those symptoms and give you proper tools to manage them as they come.
    • DON’T REACT right away! It’s a great thing that we can communicate through writing and not speaking because writing in a chat box gives us some time to work through our emotions before hitting that send button. I can’t even imagine how many burned bridges I would have left behind me all because the filter from my anxious brain to my mouth was… faulty. 
      • Take a moment or two or even a day before replying. If you're worried about your response rate, have a Quick Response that expresses you need more time to consider their message/requirements and thank them for their patience. 
      • Communicate clearly and calmly. When a buyer is being difficult, it's important to stay calm and communicate clearly. Use professional language and avoid getting defensive or confrontational. Remember that you're there to provide a service and that your goal is to find a solution that works for both parties.
    • Set clear boundaries. If a buyer is being unreasonable or demanding, it's important to set clear boundaries. Let them know what you're willing and able to do and what is outside of your scope of work. 
      • Be firm but polite and offer suggestions for how they can get their needs met within the parameters of your service.
      • Have a crystal clear gig description and FAQs section and gently refer them to it if needed. This includes having a very specific revision policy!
    • Don't be afraid to say no. If a buyer is asking for something that is outside of your expertise or that you're not comfortable with, it's okay to say no. Be polite but firm and offer suggestions for other sellers or resources that may be able to help them.
      • If they continue to be either rude or act inappropriately there is a lovely little Block option so that you no longer need to do business with them in the future.
    • Seek support. Dealing with difficult buyers can be stressful, especially when you're already dealing with anxiety symptoms. Don't be afraid to reach out to friends, family, or other Fiverr sellers for support and advice. 
      • You may also want to consider speaking with a mental health professional to help you manage your anxiety symptoms.

    With these strategies in place, I’ve been able to navigate difficult situations with confidence and professionalism, and you can too! Because, to put it frankly, I can be a hot mess of anxiety, but I’ve also been able to follow my own advice and that of my own support system (including mental healthcare professionals and medication), and guess what? I’m still working, still getting repeat buyers, and SO CAN YOU!

    NOTE: These tips and opinions come from my own experiences dealing with anxiety and are meant to supplement, NOT replace, professional care. Remember, there is no shame in seeking help and taking care of your mental health is essential for your overall well-being.

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  11. I have PMDD and now I've just been hit with Hyperthyroidism. Even though I feel like I have the easiest job in the world - all I do is read scripts - and yet, two weeks out of the month, my job can seem like it's impossible to accomplish. I'm a voice actor. Should be fun and easy to do right? But, of course all the other little things that you have to do as a freelancer here on Fiverr pile up. Like answering messages, sending customer offers, repeating yourself over and over again even though you have an FAQ section and your gig description is as close to perfect as can be, etc...

    Dealing with chronic illness can be challenging, especially when it comes to managing workloads and commitments, no matter how easy you or others seem to think it should be. You have to take care of yourself along with your business, and maybe take care of others if your a parent–like myself.

    Here are some tips for handling your Fiverr queue while dealing with chronic illness:

    • Set realistic expectations: Be honest with yourself and your clients about your availability and limitations. Communicate clearly about your estimated turnaround times and let clients know if you need extra time or accommodations due to your illness. Don't be afraid to lose buyers by requesting extensions through the Resolutions.
    • Prioritize your workload: When dealing with chronic illness, it's important to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Focus on completing high-priority orders first and communicate any delays with your clients. Communication is key! Your buyers will appreciate the honesty, trust me.
    • Take breaks when needed: It's important to take breaks when you're feeling overwhelmed or fatigued. Schedule time for rest and self-care activities to help manage your symptoms and maintain your energy levels. Set alarms if you must!
    • Consider hiring an assistant: If you're struggling to keep up with your workload, consider hiring a virtual assistant to help manage your Fiverr queue. This can help ease your workload and give you more time to focus on your health and wellbeing.
      • I actually chose to bring on a business partner to help me with editing all my voice overs, and answering messages.
      • Since he does half the work, he gets half my income.
      • Some money is better than none!
    • Use automation tools: Fiverr has automation tools such as auto-responses and order reminders that can help you manage your queue more efficiently. These tools can help you stay organized and communicate with clients even when you're not feeling well.
      • These will help any assistants you bring on as well!
    • Be open with your clients: It can be helpful to be open and honest with your clients about your illness. This can help build trust and understanding, and may even lead to more compassionate and flexible working relationships.
      • Just try not to overshare because then it might seem like your making up excuses.
      • You don't have to share anything! But, I have found that sending them a simple message saying that my symptoms are keeping me from delivering an exceptional product does wonders.
      • Ask them if their deadlines are flexible and go from there.

    Remember that your health and wellbeing should always come first. Don't hesitate to take a break or ask for help when you need it. By managing your workload and communicating effectively with your buyers, you can continue to provide quality work on Fiverr while also prioritizing your health.

    Any other tips you can share? Please do!

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