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Posts posted by queenmercedes

  1. All of these are meant to keep sellers from trying to get paid some other way than through fiverr. So telling them you work in some other place might suggest to a buyer to hire you someplace else.

    I see the logic, but in this situation it’s just weird. I can’t have a real-life business and I can’t tell about it because Fiverr may think I’m suggesting the buyers to hire me IRL when I live in Ukraine and the buyers are from USA or Australia? Lol.

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  2. Never say you work someplace else. That’s a big one.

    I think the phrase “outside of fiverr” might be one.

    What’s so wrong with it? The sentence was: “Thank you for your patience and sorry that I’m not as fast as other artists here, got a lot of work outside of Fiverr as well”. How does it violates ToS?

    Like, I understand that it may be automatically flagged, but I don’t see any reason to tell that it violates ToS.

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  3. I used one today when I told a buyer to contact me in my inbox instead of on the order page. I got the red sign that I shouldn’t give my contact details. I changed the word “contact” to “message”.






    those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

    I think ■■■■■ might be one too. That one must be really highly forbidden since it doesn’t even show up here. It’s that well used message system that starts with an “S”.

    Yes, these situations are really annoying.

    The worst here is that the message is not visible to my buyer and it contains the draft image. I’ve contacted CS with the question as well, since I haven’t violated ToS (can’t remember the rule of not-telling-that-you-are-working-somewhere-else).

    Also sometimes Fiverr reacts to “USD” or “dollar” - when buyers asked me about currency (some have euros or canadian dollars, for example), I could hardly explain them everything. :\

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  4. As an excuse and explanation of my current busyness situation, I’ve said to my buyer that I have a lot of projects on Fiverr and I also have work outside of Fiverr (wow, many of us do!), but I’m doing my best to bring everything in time. My message is now being reviewed by T and S team. Fiverr, why are you so paranoid, is the word “outside” forbidden no matter what? I may work outside of Fiverr, outside of house, outside of the ■■■■ planet, what is so wrong with telling the client about that? Just do the “forbidden vocabulary”, so we know that we have to say it in another way. Ugh…

    Just hope everything would be okay, I am so tired of searching for “right” words to explain the situations…

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