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Everything posted by dineshmadhushan

  1. This is wrong. That percentage is calculated based on the number of orders you have cancelled and completed. There's no specific percentage.
  2. At first try to negotiate with the client by offering another service or extra feature for the second order (It'll work if she is a repeat/loyal customer). But if she don't like it, contact customer support and explain the incident clearly. They'll help to cancel the order without affecting your statistics. But it'll not work if the customer have actually placed two orders.
  3. Thank you very much for sharing. It's a motivation.
  4. No matter it is affected or not, better to finish the revisions as soon as possible. Because client's satisfaction is the most important thing. 100% satisfied clients will leave you 5 star reviews(private and public). It'll help you gig to get higher ranks.
  5. 1) Select good keywords ( Relevant , Less competitive , Having a huge traffic ) that are related to the gig by a research. Do the SEO optimization on those keywords. (If you don't have a proper knowledge on SEO optimization, please watch youtube videos or read articles about it first.) 2) Communicate with the clients in a professional and friendly way. "Communication is the key to success ". This will help you to get good reviews (Public and private) that will help to get a higher rank. 3) Be dedicated to offer a quality service within a fair time period.
  6. Yes. You can check this by yourself too. Go to Buying on fiverr and try to find your gig page. ( If your gig is not ranked yet and difficult to find from the buying view, try to add filers with seller level, seller country, gig keywords and etc. ) Once you locate one of your gigs in Buying view, first open the Fiverr app on mobile and refresh the webpage at the same time on web. You'll see you are online. And then close the Fiverr app and refresh the web again. You'll see you are offlne.
  7. “It is only when we take chances, when our lives improve. The initial and the most difficult risk that we need to take is to become honest. " —Walter Anderson

  8. Yes always I attach multiple images. But I make sure to select relevant image before hit the deliver button. So far I have noticed this 2 times with the new order page.
  9. Have anyone noticed some scenarios that the portfolio image which is displayed on the gig review is not the one we selected from the order delivery popup window ? (I am pretty much sure I selected correct image from the navigation arrows. But it shows another image on the gig reviews.)
  10. It's a good suggestion but there should be some limitations like only 1 - 2 times for all time. And also a user name change history should be visible to the past customers. Or they should be notified by a special notification.
  11. " Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day "  

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