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Posts posted by kha1ed

  1. On 6/7/2023 at 7:36 PM, maurotron said:

    Congratulations on your 8th year! That's a lot of experience.

    I'm new in the platform, if you were able to hop onto the Delorean an go back 8 years into the past, what would you tell yourself about the most effective strategies you learned to give great service and be noticed?


    Thank you!

    I would say stay away from hard buyers and don't accept all order requests! That saves a lot of time, effort and keep your mental health in check.

    And if you do high quality work, don't be afraid to raise your prices when the time is right 🙂


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  2. Sorry - 1st quick visit to the forum brought by this thread as result of search. Not his fault I’m in such a time crunch. We’ve ironed out the 1st two and I need one of them in complete original format to print business cards NOW. He’s still working out the 3rd, which is the same, but with business name to the right as a website banner vs. logo. We’re close, I’m just out of time, so might have to accept as is and probably get screwed out of getting my banner logo which was paid for and agreed upon but not delivered due to time constraints. =P

    You have right to cancel thr order if the buyer failed to deliver as expected or the quality is not that good. Even after 12 days from delivering the order!

    I suggest to check if the logo is not stolen by using chrom browser and right click on the logo and select google image search. I had this many times where some buyers just steal the logo from the internet!

    Good luck

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  3. So I downloaded the files of the first two logos while the 3rd is still in edit, therefore order not agreed upon in whole.

    Must I wait until doing so to remove the marks from the 1st two which I like? Even though seller shared the source file with me? What a pain.

    If I agree, I doubt he will continue working on the 3rd logo, if even able to send it to me?

    The seller should deliver the order fully not in small parts, so its the seller’s fault.

    Btw, please create your own post next time, this post is about a year old!

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