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  1. @Lena @ana_tomy @Kesha I am asking the question to Fiverr support and review team that I didn't violate any rules,I didn't have multiple id still why you guys flagged me. I want to technical reason on that. Why other user got unflagged even after he got the message that after manual review it can't be removed. - I am asking this for myself that how can I make it remove. If I violate any rules let me know how instead of copy pasting same thing. My current ticket responded by 3 different people and they are copy pasting same thing. What is the use of customer support if you can't tell us how to fix things or whether you need identification to prove that I am what I said.
  2. i am facing the same issue account got flagged for having connecting with other account. i tried every possible way to explain my case. i am 9 year old seller and i also explain them i dont need 2nd id to get more orders as i was also working professional as well. explained my case but didnt get satisfactory answer for that. i am really curious how harshu removed that flagged status. since i am also ready to provide my documents, check laptop with the help of anydesk. i am ready to do anything in order to verify my identity. p.s. i was already eligible for top rated seller status as well.
  3. Hello, I have seen the same people going through same situation @haider_ali03210 @seo_rankxpert I have seen that similar situation happened with you. Let's keep trying till we get justice. I hope someone on Fiverr will let us know correct way for removing this. I am also ready to provide all the proofs. @ana_tomy @Lena @Kesha kindly do something for us if you can
  4. And I am 9 year old seller with 1600+ reviews and already matched the eligibility for top rated - I was about to receive that badge any time soon. But everything shattered and I am showing you the actual picture.
  5. @seo_rankxpert hello, I can give you the best answer for this as I am going through same boat since last 20+ days Fiverr flagged my account 20 days ago and after that I contacted them in every possible way to convience that I do not own any other account to establish any connection. I also shared my experience you can see by clicking on profile. I always got same reply from custom support that my account is connected but when I asked how,when, who did that how did that happen because I am preety sure I don't own 2 accounts. I also told them there might be chance this happened due to I connect public hotel wifi in hillstation hotel. But Fiverr didn't provide me any single information on that I kept on exploring other users on forum and internet and found that this happened due to new seller who copies your data and ended up disabling the account and ip issue in case you use public wifi or any other network. - I kept on sharing my casestudy , ready to provide my identification or even get my laptop checked in order to make sure I never logged in my account. Fiverr is responding same thing and i personally feel that being victim they are not even providing proper reason as well so that you can investigate locally. Since flagging account is big thing it limits everything in terms of orders and gigs and you won't get visibility. Trust me it's very bad phase.
  6. I am sorry that you are going through this, I know that how much Fiverr means to you and how much pain it gives. Fiverr customer support doesn't realise by putting themselves in others shoes. I explained my financial condition and ready to provide all the documents still they are stuck on same thing.
  7. I am victim of this and you guys saying I can't share the information so why this system is not transparent enough? I didn't even receive the details explanation on this. If you use mobile data,public wifi,private wifi,company wifi. This thing bound to happen and I don't know that is the exact issue. Due to severity of competition and response rate one can connect from any other source in order to stay in the market. I wanted to know what triggered this. And I didn't even receive that personally as well.
  8. @Lena considering the platform - do not post without checking actual ticket replies since you represent the Fiverr. I am seeking for below answers and find a way to unflag the account. All I got reply from customer support is and I mentioned that In Fiverr support. Your account was flagged for being connected to another account that was disabled due to violating our policies. Please be advised that this was reviewed manually, and the decision is final. This means that you are not eligible to take part in the levels system. In return I asked the Fiverr support that how exactly I broke the policy. Is it because of my device or internet I never connected my id to some other device. I didn't travel to abroad recently. Didn't use Fiverr account/paypal for payment - did somebody logged in my account to their laptop. I was asking this question to Fiverr support and once I get this answer it will be consider as details explanation. Rephrasing same thing like account connected and connect account won't consider as detailed explanation. Check my entire ticket and let me know what detailed explanation I received So do not influence others who is supporting or putting something on ticket. I don't know what you guys checked in manual ticket review. But I am sure I don't have any other account. Is it because of my device?
  9. @Lena even after sharing my story with customer support. I am not sure whether they have gone through my situation. I am not sure whether my story is reaching to the support team who is reviewing this. Can you guys help me share this Fiverr forum point to senior support team? I am preety sure that Fiverr is working like book. If something is written in code or standard they just take action without even thinking the possibility of innocence. Since so many things on my life is on line,I am also ready to give my laptop and entire phone for their report check,I can also provide my documents for verification. I also read many cases on Fiverr that using public wifi cause this issue. Generally if you travel to hill stations or airport there are chances that you use public wifi or hotel network. What exactly they meant when they say account is connected ? - I also told them I am victim and still you guys are not sharing what is wrong. I am not getting the details that you are not providing for privacy purpose but I am asking for my own details. * Raising the ticket is not helping me any good. Please find way for me I am really fed up since last 20 days for solution and I am getting same reply that we checked and it can't be reversed. But I am not getting any update on what they checked
  10. @Lena I am 9 year old seller with 1600 reviews,can you please go through my raised topic related to flagged account. It's been 20 days and I have seen on forum that you are giving resolution to users. If you can help me out or suggest any possible way which may fix the issue.I will appreciate that
  11. @Kesha @Lena @ana_tomy Fiverr support told me that even though your account got flagged buyer can still see your gigs. I am 9 year old seller with 1600+ reviews. It's been almost 20 days and I never got single inquiry.this misunderstanding is impacting me financially as well as mentally. - my point to Fiverr support was clear and loud. I am 9 year old seller with 1500 reviews why all of sudden I will create the new IDs. I know all the policy that we can't use multiple account or talk about feedback. I know basic ABC of Fiverr since I am getting hammered with single sentence by customer support every single time that my account is connected. *Kindly please help me find out a way which makes them remove the flagged status* Ready to submit my phone and laptop for anydesk or remote checkup, ready to provide all the documents necessary to validate the documents. But please help me remove this flagged.
  12. @aplus_visuals hello, I have explained them my situation like 3-4 times but I am getting same reply that they checked the situation and they can't reverse the decision. My ticket was clear that I am ready to provide all the documents which you can crosscheck in your database but don't really check considering IPs. As I have mostly used wifis on railway or airport,company to stay in contact with client.
  13. @Kesha just to remind you that I am 9 year old Fiverr seller and maybe facing the issue due to public wifi. I generally join free wifis opened by reliance industries (very famous Indian company) I am not sure that is the main issue. But I am 20000% sure that I don't operate multiple IDs. thanks for getting back to me. I tried my all efforts and explained my story honestly regarding this. Like I mentioned I can provide my laptop for your review as well as mobile phone. I can provide my IDs. I will try every possible way because this is my only source of incoming. If you can see that I am associated with Fiverr since last 9 years so I didn't focus that much on professional side. *Please see if you can help me out* you are the only hope for me..I will do everything possible as I have spent sleepless nights on Fiverr.
  14. I have invited like 15+ sellers on fiverr since I am proud person using fiverr (I really like it's user interface very easy to work with) But that proud goes into discomfort. With flagged account - I am not able to generate single order - not even getting inquiry. It is very harsh punishment and I have explained my case in full depth honestly with all the information and suspicion I had. I am on Fiverr since last 9 years and as you can see I was active like 6 months in year due to travelling. I never got full time to even work on this I'd so how can I make multiple account or connect with others ? * Having more than 1600+ 5 star rating. In past I went above and beyond to satisfy the customer needs . You can see my review or do anything to make sure I work again for Fiverr. @Lena @ana_tomy - requesting you to please help me out. This is my current source of income. It is really depressing situation for me. At least you guys can think about 9 year old seller.it is very long association with any of the company. Please tag other moderators or anyone who can help me out - need one chance in my life. I am happy to take the warning instead of flagged by bot - I am sure that I will level up with my performance.
  15. Congratulations.. keep up doing the great work. Read the policies and work honestly. Otherwise you will stuck in mudhole with no hope of getting out.
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