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Everything posted by amazing_yogi

  1. You don't have to manually click the id or selfie, once your face is in oval it will automatically click the selfie. Govt ID cards can be many, So if one is not working for you, then try the other one
  2. @sunnykingkoh they won't allow the manual review. They asked me to upload a high-quality pic of id... I didn't use the ID I was using before as it didn't work 2 times. I used my other ID card and took the pic in daylight. It worked. This was my last chance. I am glad it worked. I hope your account gets verified soon.
  3. I contacted customer support and they gave me a second chance which failed as well. I let them know about the second attempt as well. Then I waited patiently for their response. They gave me a last chance to verify it and asked me to upload high-quality pics. This time I used a different ID as the one I was trying with was failing. I took the id outdoor in good lighting and clicked the photo and that worked for me.
  4. Hey All, Just posting an update here. I was able to verify my ID successfully today.
  5. @maliraza92 Hey Bro, the Same thing happened to me. It looks like your account is active again. Can you kindly mention what steps you followed to get it active again?
  6. not currently but the message says if I don't get my account verified it will be restricted within 14 days.
  7. @sunnykingkoh Let's wait then, we can hope for the best. I hope justice is delivered to our accounts. I am awaiting their response on my ticket.
  8. @Lena Same is the issue with my account as well. My verification failed twice. I have spent last 11 years on Fiverr working hard to build my profile now because of this small bug I might lose my account. All my dedicated work and profile on Fiverr will go away. Please help us all here. Our verification can be done by a human, I am ready for the video verification as well.
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