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Some Suggestion while create new gig

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  1. keep searching and find your related gig…
  2. write down some main point in notepad.
  3. keep ready 4 things

    a. Gig Title ( simple and 1 line… use 1 or 2 keyword and make 1 main keyword is bold)

    b. Description (Write some keyword , those are use in Title , Tag, offer very specific service )

    c. Tag (find 5 keyword from your description and Title)

    d. Image (simple , eye catching, not too much word, use 1/2 single icon)

  4. Take minimum 3 or 4 days to make a gig… keep searching related gig and read them.

NOTE : i will write some tips in another post… that will be contain about doing after create a gig…

Till then , take care of your health and make your business plan… and Grow your future…

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