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How much hour do you spend just to get $ 3.92?


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Tricky to tell, when I started I wanted to do speeddrawing (5 -10 min per pencil illustration) but then decided to do more elaborate stuff only to realize after I did my first gig I can’t charge more then 5 per gig. Now I have a client for whom I’m doing illustration that take much more then 5 minutes for 5$ but I hope it wil generate enough feedback for wider reckognition and some professional satisfaction in work well done…

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Reply to @marsch001: It all depends on what the gig is. I mean if the gig is some prank phone call, or writing a short letter by hand (does anyone DO that anymore lolo), or some other practical joke, or if one is expert at photoshop (which I am NOT but know well the ‘magic’ that can be completed in less than a minute with just a couple clicks of the mouse, then…sure, this would be wonderful and you could make a lot of money. For i know that PS experts who have built a business generally charge a minimum of $25 WHATEVER they do, and since I can’t do this, well…i am NOT paying for time I am paying for talent in an area i have no talent for. And to be sure those ppl can if they wish make a fortune arguably close to a doctor, lawyer, or any professional person.

However if one has a gig to write a 500 word post secondary school essay or paper I KNOW FOR A FACT that this is going to take awhile. I happen to know this personally. I once worked for a term paper mill for lazy high school and undergrads who had not the time or probably not the ability to write a half way decent even TWO page essay which is what a 500 word paper is. This does NOT take half an hour, this does not take an hour, this takes at least 3 or 4 hours, that is, unless one is extremely good at plagurism, and this is getting harder and harder as there are programs now that will catch all but the most brilliant plagurist. And IF someone is THAT bright WHY would they take under $4 DOLLARS to spend hours and hours researching and the general requirement for footnotes and bibliography. I am good but NO WAY JOSE could i do this UNLESS i happened to NOT have to work and just wanted to keep from getting bored for say it takes only 3 hours to write at least a B essay, THAT is LESS than $2 an hour and i think inmates in US prisons make more than that and i also know for sure that those in India who work call centers but a lot more as they do in all developing countries.

I honestly cannot imagine much that could EVER be worth the effort EXCEPT for something I have in mind (read …secret that i am hoping will work) and hope as a ‘newbie’ here some of you guys in graphic arts might let me know if my idea for a gig is cool enough and that I might have a market for it.

Before i had a really horrendous financial reversal I did NOT need to work EXCEPT for FUN which i have always done for FUN FUN FUN is for me what it is all about.

So YES i took this term paper mill job and i do write well and my god, I was lucky to bring in $600 a month and i am fast and at the time i was finishing my doctorate in a totally useless field so I knew allllllllllllllllllll about how to do a terrific job and i was and am fast but NOT THAT FAST…i worked most every single day writing all sorts of papers on just about every area of the humanities, arts, and social sciences, and some of the gigs I knew a great deal about, others I had not a clue. IT WAS FUN…but after 2 months of nothing but praise for me and As for my lazy dim witted customers I figured enough is enough and they paid one helluva lot more than what is paid here and as i said i made no more than $600 BEFORE TAXES. You cannot LIVE on that unless you ARE independently wealthy, live with Mums and Dads, or are just doing something to fend off boredom.

I have one of the people here working on a gig for me and then i shall know how talented at least one is for a Fiverr…

If this works for customers then they got the best deal on earth is all i can say. I mean business strategists giving a customer even 15 minutes of their UNPADDED time for five bucks…you gotta be kidding, i shall be trying one of those guys out to and i need to get someone to check out two of my websites i think there are some web designers here and i have this new digital product and so SURE…for $5 or $20 it is a STEAL for me, for just about anyone i would think who has the capital to start even slowly a new business ! What in the world can beat this?

I look online and no one gives nothing for free not even a free hour is free for it is all just padded bs and not worth anyone’S time to bother getting some web designer’S input or some business coach or strategist or if one needs to shed a few extra pounds then PERSONALIZED service and ALL that IS needed for the customer is ten minutes TOPS but for the Fiverr to put that all together IF it is not just some silly plagurized latest diet or some diabetes diet that we all know we can google in an instant…then this takes some time.

First it takes the time just to read the customer’S email and if this is more than tossing a water balloon in someone’S face or snapping a shot of someone’s lips to that person the customer wishes to make an impression on. I mean you got to figure for anything unless it is just whipped up right off the internet, word for word, then some time goes into this if not only reading the request then answering that request then making a 30 sec video or a 75 word voice over which for, what $5 more bucks the talent will do the work but hey …is this premium stuff or more like the 99 CENT STORE?

I have heard and seen some terrific book covers created on Fiverrs for such things as Kindle books that some wanna be writer wishes to display as his cover on Amazon…fabulous…really great!

Of course i am brand new here and had NEVER known a THING about Fiverr till yesterday…yes i had heard the name but really had no idea what it was…honestly had no idea it was even based on $5 buck gigs and some as i think i have and am making clear that sounds way to good to be good (or rather EXCEPTIONAL…work done)

Just seems really odd to me (other than for my plan for the two gigs i shall probably by tomorrow wish to hire someone here but frankly I must say I would be shocked if what I want do know and advice and opinions and workmanship, etc can be had for just $5 or even $40 if i got a person or persons for 7 additional gigs).

The reason i say this is two-fold. First, I do not wish to brag, but i am certain i have two things no longer on the drawing board but up and they have NEVER been done before and i have friends who are not morons and not just telling me what i got is terrific and it should since it took me over 2 full years of never forgetting the motto I SHALL NEVER GIVE UP and i did not give up NO MATTER WHAT and i know it will pay off. Thing is i have so little money virtually no capital no dough to hire anyone who is a supposed whiz at the stuff i need help with and believe me I have gambled and lost big time with forking over more money than i really had to fork over and ALL FOR NOTHING making Fiverrs look TOTALLY APPEALING for when I lose $500 plus a lot more I come close to being evicted if the consultant’s got it wrong…but for FIVE DOLLARS who the hell cares…lolo…and for TEN TIMES THAT I DO NOT CARE as this is NOTHING to me and really next to nothing for just about any middle class high school junior and certainly no university student.

I honestly canNOT think of much of anything that one can GET for $5 anymore.

So this does intrigue for not only as someone who is now not only a customer but shall be uploading what gigs i think might have a good chance even at $5 a pop.

I KNOW there MUST be some people here who are extremely gifted…geniuses in ppl who if hired by Google, this would be a feather in the cap for anyone to convince THEM to come work for any prestigious innovative creative firm. Perhaps they are too old, as Google has this ‘thing’ for those who believe turning 30 means they should very soon get their affairs in order and go down to the funeral director and pick out some burial plan coffin and music flowers etc for they are close to being DEAD or at least from prehistorical STONE AGE or bored.???

So are ppl dreaming to get discovered here at Fiveers? Hope we all do:)

Silly Sunflower:) xox

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Reply to @kjblynx: do you mnd sharing the sort of gigs you do here?

So you base all your gigs on possibly taking an hour? I am sure from getting their email to reply to whatever to writing them back …whatever must take an hour. So this is ok with you to be making $3.81 or so an hour and since you do now wish to keep from working too many hours for Fiverrs then what might that look like…hmmmmmmmmmmmm perhaps $16 tops a day if you have 4 gigs that only take an hour or less gigs so could be less than $16 cannot be much per day. So in a week you bring in $60 bucks tops …Madame are you independently wealthy and if you happen to excel at what you do and it is not simply painting your face or other silly jokes first of all HOW can you live on a pay that is LESS than the pay of a 14 year old baby sitting? How can you stand yourself? How can you place so little value in yourself. Sorry if i am wrong but when adults if you are an adult make less than little children who run corner lemonaid stands at age SIX I am happy i dont live where you live and never will again. Sorry dont mean to offend i am offended that this is how low that country has sunk when people are ok with living on less than lepers get living on the streets of Calcutta …yes indeedy…this is just one more example of how soon the USA will turn to nothing as did the Roman Empire when after its fall mighty Rome which had streets of marble and flush toilets and culture and architecture and knowldege and wisdom and was a grand cosmopolitan city with a million citizens by 500 AD there were less than 3000 sheep herders for the most part grazing their sheep in the overgrown weeds that covered what was the greatest empire just reduced to rumble and the bahhhhhing of sheep …this is not some weird rantings of a mad woman look around you its EVERYWHERE…especially the USA …

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