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Taking a Look at Orders [ ARCHIVED ]


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Sometimes it’s easy to not look at an order until a couple of days before it’s due. But if you wait too long you might discover that you can’t deliver what the buyer is looking for.

I’ve had a seller wait a week to tell me the project is too big for them. Even though they responded after I placed the order through, they never actually opened up my file attachments.

My little piece of advice to sellers is to read the order instructions/files ASAP so that they don’t waste any buyer’s time before declining.

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I always check my new orders and messages. If I am sleeping, I check all my orders when I wake up, and if I’m online, I always check them immediately. It is not big deal, you can do it in a few seconds each order. It helps to avoid possible negative reviews in the long run. 😉

Best Of Luck.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest ahmadrazach

i didn’t receive any order until… i have my account old about 2 month… help me can any body send me a custom order …?

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