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Selling Synthesized Information


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Anyone can sell boilerplate unsynthesized information. It’s everyone’s dream to have the golden pdf file that 100k people want and you have. Problem is you are your own worst enemy because each time you sell a Gig and deliver the information, you’ve just created an opportunity for your buyers to not only distribute your content for free, but create their own Gigs and start selling the content also.(Regardless of the ethical and legal ramifications) I see this happening on Fiverr.

The service and information that I sell is synthesized, meaning it’s unique to each purchaser. This creates a bar for others to skim off of my market because the value of the Gig turns on my skills, ability and the quality of the tools that I use to provide the content which is desired by my customer. For example: I provide legal research and legal writing. My Gigs depend on each buyer’s 1.) Location 2.) Court Jurisdiction 3.) Issue 4.) Desired Goal & Outcome

Applied to a real world example, let’s say John got a speeding ticket ‘by’ radar in Arkansas, doing 74 in a 65. John wants to successfully defend himself without retaining an attorney. There are Gigs out there that distribute “how to beat a speeding ticket” but the problem those Gigs are faced with is the dynamic nature of the laws around the country. John requires speeding ticket defenses relied on by his state of Arkansas because boilerplate information normally(almost never) won’t be of assistance in his defense.

My service looks into the State of Arkansas and their Case Law. I research all of the speeding ticket cases that are similar to a buyer’s specific situation and provide cases on both sides of the coin. Speeding ticket cases that ‘lost’ are just as valuable as those defenses and cases that ‘won’. Moreover knowing what has worked in Arkansas, John should be interested in what did not work, also.

Another example is a father enthralled in a child custody/child support/visitation battle with his ex-wife. Many parents take on these family courts pro-se with legal representation. As long as both parties are unrepresented, the playing field is relatively level equal, however, as soon as one of the parents lawyers up then it can become a blood bath almost immediately.

The unrepresented party definitely should consider utilizing a legal research service or getting case synopsis compiled and delivered. Having 10-15 applicable case summaries and opinions from similar cases is highly helpful and illuminating for a parent who’s trapped in the realm of a litigative vortex. Canned boilerplate content on child custody can’t and never will be able to assist anyone in a specific situation, state or jurisdiction. The rules, law and case decisions are different in every jurisdiction.

Just a summary regarding dynamic content vs. boilerplate canned content. Make sure you partner w/ someone who has the experience and tools when you need something that requires specialized facts and conditions to be plugged into your equation. Spending 5.00 on a pdf on how to do something is normally a donation to the cause. 9 out of 10 times it won’t work for the reason you donated 5.00 to the Seller who spent 2 seconds popping off a pdf of information that he probably ripped off somewhere and knows nothing about himself.

Giggers who synthesize information and provide buyer specific content are highly sought after and increase their value by delivering highly specialized and synthesized information. Such a service and product is highly resource intensive because it requires the Sellers to do something - work! but that’s not bad. The type of information and Sellers who provide it are extremely good at what they do.

Maximizing time and delivering value added content without getting twisted up in the Fiverr selling trap of offering CONTENT FREE INFORMATION FOR SALE sets the Pros apart from the Pretenders.



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