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Buyer not responding


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I’m new in the Fiverr community. I’m offering a business coaching session for 30 minutes for $5. I asked two buyers several times to let me know what would be a good time to call them, but I haven’t got a response back from either of them. I received a notice from Fiverr that my delivery is very late, but it’s not my fault. Will this be a bad mark against me? I don’t want a bad reputation. Thanks for any advice. Next time I will send them to my Time Trade account that I now have.

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@bfraser - unfortunately since it’s now “late,” it will count against you. The best thing to do at this point is to contact Customer Support and explain what’s going on.

In the future, a couple thoughts - 1) if someone doesn’t reply after ordering from you, it may be safest to cancel the order in advance, so that way it doesn’t count against you. 2) you may not realize this since you’re new, but communicating with customers outside of Fiverr (except in a few sanctioned situations) is strictly against the Fiverr terms of service. In fact, if you used any of those words in your communication to your customers, they may have been blocked from being received in the first place.

Hope this helps! Feel free to contact me if you have more questions.

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deliver it marked; explain to the buyer that you had to since the timer went off without any fault on your side. and that you would be happy to give the service you owe them when they get back to you.

remember you have still spent time on this and you deserve that bucks…

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It would be better if you used the gig’s requirement option and uncheck “optional”,

You ask the buyer for the time you they want to get their gig.

so the timer doesn’t start until the buyer submits the information you request.

If the buyer doesn’t submit the information you requested then the order gets marked as incomplete, and it doesn’t count against you.

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Guest strokelogocomp

Why don’t you just delivered the gig and mention in delivery note that you will still have expected gig delivering mark as completed days to contact me back. I did the same and then buyer response me back. I hope it will help you.

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@bfraser, @doruku and @strokelogocomp - you guys are all new, so you may not realize this, but NEVER deliver a gig that hasn’t actually been done, unless you already know the Buyer and this has been discussed beforehand.

Once you deliver a gig, you’re completely vulnerable to any negative review the recipient wants to leave, and if you contact Customer Support they will be unlikely to remove the feedback since you already delivered the review. It’s far better to lose the sale than to get stuck with a 1-star review.

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