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Granting mercy for a username change?


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I know the official party line from Fiverr is that usernames are permanent and unchangeable - but has anyone ever heard of them granting an exception?

I didn’t give much thought to mine when I started my account a few months ago, but now that it’s way more successful than I expected, I’m kicking myself in the head for not picking a better one…

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I have never heard of an exception being made, but others may have heard differently. And besides, if your account is popular now, why would you want to change the username? Your name already has a good reputation, so I would recommend sticking with it. A change would make it harder for previous buyers to find you, and if another buyer recommended you to a friend, they would try to find your username, but it would not be there.

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@friendlywebguy, thank you for talking some sense into me, haha.

I think I’ve just been noticing how clever the usernames are for all the really popular TRS and SuperSellers, and realized that mine looks like a profile name someone might have had on AOL! But the truth is that what you’re saying is more important. People have begun to seek me based on other referrals, and I could totally screw all that up if I did get my name changed (not that I can anyway). Thanks!

@mystic_insight, I haven’t either. But as @friendlywebguy pointed out, it’s probably for good reason.


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