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How to get more traffic?


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Your gigs are cute! (I like your wig one.) Try to advertise on student sites where they might want your editing services, – put your gig link in you signature for message boards – anywhere you think potential customers on. Don’t spam, join in the conversations, but get the link in there unobtrusively. Collect other gigs in the My Fiverr Gigs board and ask people to collect yours.

Think about mixing up your gig photos a bit. A plane that says AWESOME is good for one, but it makes them all look alike … give each gig its own personality. As for the gift gig … why not a beautiful giftwrapped package photo from Google Images or something that is more related? I have no idea what a person falling into a hole has to do with gifts. Make your gigs super pretty and alluring and customers will come.

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Probably fellow students! College freshmen, certainly. If you are near a university, make a flyer and put it up there. Ask if you can pin a flyer in a local coffee shop or laundry. Maybe there are local writing message boards?

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Guest expertseo1

@ crcanny, thanks for the correction observerd. Moreso Mangafanatic22, ur profile pix should be different from ur gig pix. Itz a good gig that you have there, you can equally promote ur gig in a freelance sites were services are required and equally search and know how others rendering thesame service did their own write-up but don’t spam. I wish u success

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