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Hello five.rr sellers

Guest dianajones12

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Guest celticmoon

Hello, you asked me to look over your gigs and give you some advice not long ago. I’ve had a chance to look, and I see some major issues with all your gigs. First, the pictures you’re showing aren’t your work. They are obviously textbook covers, and the quality of some of them is quite poor and pixelated. If you want to attract buyers to your gigs, you must take advantage of the 3 spaces you’re allowed to use, the quality must be high, and the work must be your own. It’s also dishonest to use images that aren’t yours, since textbook covers are copyrighted.

You also don’t give enough information in the gig descriptions. You must state what the buyer will receive for $5. Also, the English is not very good. You should have a friend who is a native speaker correct the grammar, spelling and punctuation. Poor English definitely keeps buyers away.

You’ve been on Fiverr long enough that you should have been reading the forums to learn how to make your gigs more attractive to buyers. You should have seen by now that there are some extremely talented graphic artists on Fiverr. That doesn’t mean you can’t make some sales, but those other gigs are your direct competition. If you want to hope to attract buyers and make sales, you’ve got to be showing your own work and it has to be of a high quality. Fiverr is a business site. Although it’s possible to have some fun while earning money, you should be treating this as serious business venture, not a playground to have “fun”,

Other people have already told you these things, when you posted previously, and although you’ve taken down the copied text and images, you still haven’t put together an attractive graphics store that will bring you sales. You still have work to do, but I’m sure you can do it if you have the talent and the drive. Take down all your gigs, then create excellent work samples and good descriptions for one gig at a time before putting it up again. And eliminate most of your gigs because they’re not unique and it just looks tacky and desperate (i.e. make ONE banner gig, ONE ebook cover gig, ONE flat icon gig, ONE photo editing gig).

Good luck.

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