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Review on Cancelled Order

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I work on buyer's task, send him the project (C#) to check in order page chat, but he didn't reply. I again enquired if all good but no reply, he was active, later I delivered the project. Two days later he opened a cancellation request saying that the project is incorrect and does not even work. I have sent him video proof, in which i downloaded the delivery, unzip it and run it. all captured in a screen recording. still no reply. Moreover I had provided him unlimited revision even without asking, he didnt request and revision neither told me any issue, all he wants is to cancel.

Now I'm badly stuck due to Fiverr's move of review on a cancelled order. If I accept his cancellation request, he will leave bad review (and also get back 35$ (which is not a big amount as i am almost a level 2)).
if I decline his request he will still review as a normal order. Fiverr don't know they have launched a mess feature which.

I have completed 35 orders & 25 5-star reviews and 1 4-star review and will be very soon level 2.
How can we convey to Fiverr what they have done. I am attaching all the evidence and conversation.
And for anyone who says that bad reviews don't matter, they do matter for me (i am a student and building my portfolio, I don't have multiple Fiverr accounts, I build his all by 1.5 years efforts), what did I do wrong to get 1-star???
Can someone please help me out!!
(in case anyone is wondering if the delivery was late, no its was not)

1. Project send in chat to check and later delivered.png

2. Enquired him after sending the project.png

3. Informing him that i have delivered, no respone at all from him.png

4. He claim that the project does not even work.png

5. Asking him why he requestd cancellation (giving him 1 day to response).png

6. His only response till today.png

7. My response and telling him to show the error.png

8. Showing him video proof of the delivery i made working.png

Edited by wakeelfahmed
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  • 2 weeks later...

tbh the cancelled order review feature is kinda dumb, how can fiverr do this to sellers. I myself have an order that is on the verge of being cancelled. i don't understand this young buyer, i feel like he abusing the system because i just saw his review on other seller which he gave a bad review even though the work is looks good to me 😠

cancelled order.jpg

cancelled order 2.jpg

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