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Urgent Appeal: Review of Restricted Seller Account Recover my account Please



"Sir, my Fiverr account has been restricted due to false identity, and I was very shocked. I had provided everything authentic, and I did not violate any policy. I was a level 1 seller with over 160 orders completed. Please review my account again. It's a request from my team. Please give me a warning and restore my account. Thank you."
Username :seo_grower
Dear Fiverr Support Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to appeal the recent restriction placed on my seller account.
Since November 2021, I have been an active member of the Fiverr community, completing over 168+ orders to date. Throughout my tenure, I have meticulously followed Fiverr's terms of service and community standards, ensuring that each service I provide is in full compliance. Just recently, I achieved Level One seller status, a milestone that filled me with immense joy and a sense of accomplishment. I urge you to review the feedback from my previous clients, which reflects their satisfaction with the quality of my service.
However, my joy quickly turned to dismay when I received an email early this morning stating that my account has been restricted due to the use of a false identity. This allegation has left me utterly perplexed and distraught. I want to emphatically state that I have always conducted myself with honesty and integrity on the platform. If there has been any misunderstanding or discrepancy in my identity verification process, I am more than willing to provide additional documentation or undergo re-verification to rectify the situation.
The accusation of using a false identity is not only unfounded but also deeply distressing. If there were indeed any issues with my identity verification, why was my account approved initially? I implore you to conduct a thorough review of my account and the documents provided. I am prepared to furnish any necessary evidence to verify my identity and prove my innocence.
Please reconsider your decision to restrict my account and restore my seller privileges at the earliest convenience. The suspension of my account not only jeopardizes my livelihood but also tarnishes my hard-earned reputation on the platform.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I eagerly await your response and the resolution of this issue.
Warm regards,
[Fiverr Username :- seo_grower)



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