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Promoted Gig Impressions have decreased



As you can see in the attahced img, I started promoting my Gig and got 854 impressions on first day, and 270 on second one. Then I stopped the promotion and activated it again after a few days, but now the impressions are around 100 a day. I honestly don't understand how this is possible... My budget has always been 50$ a day and CPC is auto. I don't think this is due to absence of people searching for that service, since they were doing it until I stopped the paid promotion. Then, between the day I stopped the promotion and the day I activated it again, Fiverr released the latest update: could it be the update the problem? Have u experienced this same issue? I would like to get like 30K impressions a month by paying promotion but this is impossible...

Immagine 2024-03-19 104844.png

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