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"Pending Review"?


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Guest zulualpha

It’s definitely a strange system. I just added a gig and it went live right away, but I used the wrong picture and edited it to add the right one…and then it said pending approval. Not being a very patient person, I just deleted it and added it again with the right pictures from the beginning and it went live right away.

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Guest zulualpha

I figured that was the case, but since the gigs seem to all auto-approve as soon as they’re originally posted, I can’t see how making them go to review after they’re edited later would cut down on spam. Kind of like letting everyone into the airport without searching them, but if you forget something and go out to your car to get it you have to be searched the 2nd time. Maybe not the most logical procedure.

If all gigs had to go through the review process before going active it would make more sense, since a spammer could slip some nefarious stuff in after getting approved, but since the new gigs go active right away making them go to review after being edited seems more like an inconvenience than anything. Might be a useful feature to allow editing in the first 5 or 10 minutes of a new gig being posted, since mistakes are often found right after posting.

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