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Check Gigs status through the Help Center


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But what if a newbie (me) gave you a tip on how to manage your Gigs? :classic_ninja:
I haven't seen this advice anywhere else, so I'll give it a try.

For people with several Gigs, it's not always easy to know their status. On the Gigs management page, some are in the "Active" tab, others in the "Pending approval" tab, while others are still in the "Draft" tab. In addition, a Gig in the "Active" tab doesn't necessarily mean it's been published and indexed. This sometimes confuses things.

What I do, and what I suggest, is that you go to the Help Center in the section"Gig not found when searched".

On this page, you'll have an overview of all your Gigs with their associated status. There's also a handy search bar to help you find the Gig you're looking for!

Once you've found the Gig whose status you want to know, scroll down to its contents. You'll find all the information you need, even if the Gig is "Active", but requires further review by a Fiverr staff member. With this technique, you know whether your Gig is really indexed. No need to switch to buyer mode or open a private browser and browse dozens of pages looking for your Gig.

Hope it helps! 🙏

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