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Customer Disappear



Hi to helpful community 🙂

I wonder if somebody had this issue before and what was the approach you used sorting out this issue.

I am creating complex book layouts, and this happen quite often. Customer pay my order, I deliver it, and then they disappear, sometimes they are quite for weeks, sometimes for month. Order gets automatically complete, I receive money on my account, and most of the time I am completing the order in a private chat, as I am super committed to projects I am working on. This time I am working on a very complex project, my customer provided me with the content for 100 pages, paid for 200 pages. I laid out all the content and it turned up being 100 pages. Customer got quite for 2 month, then he comes back saying where is another 100 pages? I say... "emmm... I don't have your content for another 100 pages, please provide". Customer disappear again for another month. It really mess up my work flow, as I am really counting my time and trying to be organised and manage my time and projects. So my question is - what is the legal matter hear? What is the best way to approach situations like that? What is customer right and what is my right here? Please guys share your personal experience. 

Note: one of my gig requirement is to provide me full content when we start the project. 

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