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Tips to get my first orders


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First of all, welcome to Fiverr :))

You will need more exposure on Fiverr first, before you can start getting new orders. To achieve this, I advise you to make some changes to your newly launched gigs in order to boost their ranking and positioning on Fiverr search results, which will bring you more orders.

Check this thread I created that explains how to do so ↓

Here are some proven-to-work tips that will help you boost your gig rank on Fiverr. Whether you are a newbie or an old timer, these tips will be helpful. The tips will be listed in the same order of creating a gig: • Gig Title • Make sure to include Keywords in the gig title itself, this is very important • Keywords • The best way to know the keywords that actually work is by searching Fiverr using a single keyword you know works, then copying Fiverr’s “suggested keywords” under the search…


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