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Any tips on keeping my clients interested?


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I created a Fiverr account around 3 months ago and let it sit collecting dust. Feeling guilty for my neglect of the site, I decided to give it another try. I made a gig a week ago. Though it wasn’t a very “original” idea(I’ll convert 5 of your photos into hand drawings)I thought it might get at least a few sales. It didn’t get any. I guess it should have been expected;after all the gig is only a few days old and I haven’t established a reputation here yet. After looking at my stats for the gig, my problem wasn’t the gig itself or my exposure; it was the bounce rate(aka the ratio of people who click on my gig and stay to the ones that leave.) In the first four days I got 1k impressions(which is a lot, I think), but out of the 1,000 people who saw my gig only 20 clicked on it. I started to get a little annoyed when I saw another fiverr user who posted the same exact gig as I did(Literally, The same thing) receiving a bunch of clients for no obvious reason. are their any suggestions on how I could improve my gig to attract a bigger audience? Any help would be appreciated.



(PS:I know I might sound like a snobby newbie who expected to make money on the first day. Please excuse my possibly annoying aura, for it was not intended.)

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Reply to @jonathankim1999: That’s the thing though. It’s not always the campaign. It can be the gig aswell. And I know for a fact there are gigs that offer the same that you do, but then also draw over those filters to make it look really hand drawn. Which would you pick if you could choose? I think you have to look at it that way. Promoting only does so much…

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Reply to @bachas85: Thanks for the advice. I finally made my first sale, which I am super hyped about!😃

but what is a little disconcerting is that though my views are growing exponentially,(87K in a matter of days; I honestly think it is a glitch) my sales aren’t. I have asked my buyer to give me a rather generous review to help me boost my sales(which he did;so nice of him). I understand that with a market as big as Fiverr its hard to get out there, but I’m pretty sure most people get more than 1 customer/9 clicks per 87K impressions. Do you have any specific strategy to get more people to click on my gig? Or do you think that I am fine right now and I shouldn’t worry too much?

Thanks for your answer,


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I think what has helped me was creating additional gigs. That way my gigs are posted in more than one category and place.

Just to be clear, there is a difference in impressions (which as far as I can tell is how often your gig appeared in a search) and page views (which is how many times someone actually looked at your gig). So, 87K in impressions is not as exciting as 87k page views.

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