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Watch out for buyer "fragglesrock" <b>[name removed]</b>


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Hey everyone.

I just wanted to warn you all of seller "fragglesrock."

The seller contacted me with an inquiry about my gig. I replied stating that I was unable to provide the service they were requesting. The seller then went ahead and ordered a ton of my gigs and replied to my instructions with the same request. I then told the seller AGAIN that I was unable to provide the service, the same thing that I said BEFORE they ordered my gig. They then started with verbal abuse saying that maybe they can “swindle someone else.” (Swindle means to con someone).


Just a heads up. 🙂

  • Michelle

    Sheriff’s note: Sorry Michelle, even though the warning is appreciated, the rules of the forum do not allow ‘calling out’ of buyers or sellers. You should address your complaint - with details - to customer support
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