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How to optimize your gigs to convert to sales


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Wanted to share a bit about what I do to get my conversion rate between 2% and 12% for my gigs.

– Step 1 –

Have an enticing, short and straight to the point video.

– Step 2 –

Make sure your description is clean. Too often I visit gigs that have a block of text that, lets face it, no one wants to read. Use headlines, sub titles and bullet points. Use short and precise sentences. Very important.

– Step 3 –

Try as much as possible to have a 100% positive rating since that is what shows up in bold right next to the video. Also make sure you do not have many cancellations since the cancellation ratio shows up next to the video as well and can turn away many buyers.

– Step 4 –

MAKE SURE you deliver quality work as they will show up as samples and most viewers will check them.

– Step 5–

Try to have a lot of good feedback and as little negative feedback as possible.

These are the steps I use as a seller as well as when I buy gigs I always check these aspects.

What are ways you use to optimize your conversion rate?
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Hey WBG,

This is a great guide.

The thing I would add is to respond as promptly as possible to messages from prospective buyers.

I always feel that buyers send the same message to several sellers when they are shopping. Sometimes it might be the seller who responds promptly and professionally that gets the sale.

Thanks again.

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When applicable, I think it’s a good idea to include relevant credentials. This usually goes for more advanced gigs. Some examples off the top of my mind would be,

-Years of Experience

-Master’s Degree(s)

-Highly Regarded Certifications (e.g. CFA, CPA, ACE, etc)

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I believe that clear description of your gig is something that is really important. Also, if you organize your gig extras well it can be really helpful for buyers, since they know what are they getting for the price they pay. Your post is helpful and I believe that every seller should read it and implement some of this. Cheers! 😉

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