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Is this even allowed?


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Hey guys, Alright so I am new to fiverr and I dont know much about this platform. I have created 2 gigs. Basically, both of them are “your message on” gigs. I filmed a billboard and made it white and I am offering to put peoples’ logo in that billboard. I wanna know if that kind of gigs are allowed? I really wanna know because a friend of mine told me that fiverr is the best platform to sell skills and I really wanna earn money
This is the link to the gig

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Welcome to fiverr.
I viewed your gigs. First of all think yourself as a buyer. Why a buyer will buy your service. You are just adding logo on the board. Go to fiverr.com and check which services are being bought or ordered by the buyers. Then try to make gigs.
Research on this forum. Think something creative. May Allah help you.
All the best.

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