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What do you think of this idea?

Guest twopeas

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Guest twopeas

I’d like to get some opinion on my gig I’ve pushed out there.

Bit of a newbie question maybe but what do you think of my Resume gig, basically for 5 bucks you can have an online Resume created in Wordpress, all filled in etc, you can read the full thing here:

I’ve only just published it, I think it’s a gamble considering the time spent on it, any feedback is appreciated!

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Guest waqas_ibrahim

It is very cool gig and very cool web design. I wish you get sales to start off. Best of Luck! Sharing it on Facebook.

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Reply to @twopeas

I think holding up a piece of paper to the camera and your explanation do not truly represent what you are offering (which seems like a good deal).

If you showed the piece of paper and said “I will turn this into this” and then cut to a freeze frame close up of a resume on a pc screen, we’d have a clearer idea of what you’re offering.

Then cut to a panel that has everything you’re offering right there for us to see, while you say"I’ll give you a fully functional Wordpress theme, Your own domain and login, All your resume added in, A contact form and a blog page, etc, Built in analytics (via Jetpack, all enabled)"


Do you buy the domain for us? If yes, tell us!

How do we host it?

Do we even know what hosting is or that we need it?

Your video could be a lot longer and give us more details on everything you’re offering.

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