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Question about gig requirements and extras

Guest voiceoverphil

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Guest voiceoverphil

I’ve been down this road before with this buyer. Of course, this was originally in Buyer Requests, where the buyer posted a vague ad, then after I agreed wanted more. I did the job since my thinking was it was my fault for not getting the details ahead of time. Last week the same buyer sent me a message wanting another gig. I explained the situation with the last gig, and that with all the bells and whistles he got the last time he should have paid closer to 45 than 5. This week I got another 5 dollar order from the same buyer. It’s not nearly as much work, but the order does include requests for work I typically deem as extras. I was going to try to cancel or renegotiate, but after checking my gig, I can see how the buyer might not have fully understood that what he was asking for is extra. So once again, I’m taking it on the chin (not nearly as bad as the last time), but have also made corrections to my gig so that next time there should be less confusion. I supposed we all learn as we go.

SOOOO, it lead me to this question. I know many people have had similar circumstances where they have had requests for items that should be extras, or requests for unlimited revisions. Would it be reasonable to add a question in my requirements section that asks the buyer to state that they have read and understood that there is a revision limit, that certain items are extras, etc. Almost a disclaimer to give grounds to support the seller in a dispute (ie. the buyer answered that they understood the requirements)? Just wondering if the community has considered this, or if some of you actively do this.

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