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Any One know? Imprison,Views, Click will be count through sharing GIG on Social media

Guest ahmedghumro

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Guest ahmedghumro

I need your expert advise.

I share my GIG on social media platforms and with hundreds of my friends.
But i can not see the increase of impression, view and clicks.
can any one know about that.?

Kindly give me your suggestions.

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  • 4 years later...
Guest sadakathossain
On 8/7/2017 at 7:39 AM, zazi_developer said:

it takes one day to update the stats. So if you have shared your gig today on social media you will be able to see it on next day.

My question is what will increase click or impression?


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Your going to have to perform all the necessary actions you would do when organically building any other brand or business.

utilize all the social media platforms. Facebook, Instagram, messenger, Snapchat, youtube, tik tok etc

Create engaging content that provides value to your social audience. Give them a taste of your knowledge. No one will want to check out your Fiverr Gig if you can’t even demonstrate a basic understanding of what your gig entails through your social platforms.

Cross promote on all of your platforms. You can recycle the same content across all social platforms by making specific adjustments that will fit whatever platform you are posting on.

Enter Facebook groups and forums where people are asking questions that you can answer in your niche.

Those are a few examples. As long as you stay consistent and provide value to your following they will check out your Fiverr Gigs which will increase your gig views and impressions.

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