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  1. Hello, Fiverr community, My name is Adam - I am a graphic designer specializing in product development for brands. I Have been a member of Fiverr for about a month and some change yet I'm still unable to make my first sale. I feel like I've done everything to try and maximize potential success like making a portfolio of all the graphic work I've done as well as doing keyword research within my given niche. I am not one to give up on things so I look to pros and novices alike (people who have seen success on this platform really) to provide me with any advice on what I should do moving forward to make my first order. If you would like to review my profile and gigs to provide tips and critiques: @aydumby *DISCLAIMER FOR FIVERR FORUM MODERATORS: THE LINE ABOVE IS MEANT FOR CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, I HAVE 0 INTENTION OF MARKETING MY PAGE ON THE FORUM*
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