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About mark_breneman

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  1. @priyank_mod I'm working towards getting my first Gig published. I've run into questions about how to package and sell consulting. Wanting to learn: I am curious as to why you recommend the "consulting category for marketing." (That was one of the future categories I intended to explore later.) I was planning on starting in one of the technology-related categories, but I see that they focus more or less on product delivery. The gigs I am planning on offering initially are: Digital Project Coaching/Consulting (Help you start and ship a project.) Untangle Your Digital Project – Get Back on Track! (Stepping in after a project failed and getting it launched.) Fractional Director of Technology and Marketing (offering the services I did for many years on a part-time, limited-term basis to smaller organizations.) -Thanks, Mark
  2. @breals First off, Thank you. Could you tell me more about the Seller Plus program and its function in onboarding customers? I don't see a place to sign up for it. Thank you, -Mark
  3. I am new to Fiverr. (wave) This is an honest question, that I hope does not come off as entitled. I have 27+ years of experience working on over 1000 digital projects. I have spent the last 14 years working in a very large organization doing in-person or Zoom-based project consulting and/or coaching. I would like to offer my services via Fiverr. I am starting to wonder if Fiverr is not a great match for me. The problem I am seeing is that the tools I need to do consulting are not available at Level 0. Paid Consultations start at Level 2. So, how can I do consultations at level 0? I would like to use the charging hourly model with clients, but that is a pro level. I doubt a brand-new Level 0 account will be approved into the Pro program without a score for Success, Rating, and Response rate. Subscriptions start at Level 1; though not as critical as the other items, it is an offering I have for my non-Fiverr clients. Do I offer an unrelated service to consulting to build up my scores and get to higher levels? Do I shoehorn consulting into packages to start with? Basic = 30-minute Initial Consulting Meeting - Limit 1, Standard = 1-hour Consulting meeting. (Buy 5 of them for 5 hours of consulting?) Premium = 10-hour pack of meeting time offered at a discount? I don't want to break the rules. I want to play nice and work within the system. From what I am seeing, Level 0 is more or less forced to sell a service as a product. Please help me understand how to navigate this. Thanks
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