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  1. Thanks I know the 2nd title is not making any sense. I will fix it soon. Thanks your guys for your all kind suggestion.
  2. Yes, this gig was previously paused an hidden in my account, but thanks to the Fiverr support team, it’s now visible again. I appreciate all the help
  3. Hi everyone I hope you are all good. I already have 3 active gigs and want to create a 4th last gig. However, when I try to create a new gig, I get a message saying I can only have a maximum of 4 gigs. The problem is, I only have 3 gigs right now - no paused, draft, denied or Pending Approval gigs. Can you please help me figure out how can I create my 4th gig? I have writen an email to support team 4 days ago but didn't get any reply from them. So I decided to ask you in this forum. Please don't tell me as a new member i have only 4 gig limit. I know it very well 🙂 Have a good time and suggest me good solutions.
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