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  1. @Lena I did get a response saying I'm banned and this makes 0 sense. I literally just joined and started asking around some people for work. Why would Fiverr ban me for sharing a link to a website the Fiverr member providing services asked about? It's a regular url to a regular website. Shouldn't you just prevent any url's from being posted in the first place? Is there anyone else I can chat with? I spent time setting up my account and chatting with some potential providers, all to be wasted.
  2. I'm unable to log in, and when I try to get assistance, Fiverr website tells me to login which I can't do so I'm stuck. I believe I was booted for sharing a website url in the chat. I'm new to fiverr and had no idea this wasn't allowed. it was to a regular website, no scam link. Thanks.
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