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  1. I finnaly opened the link and directed me there, i can't even select other methods.
  2. Hello, well, I and my friend got a suspicious verify message from a suspicious Fiverr Account. Account created in 2024 Sept. and name is, really weird. + Porifle Photo is weird too. We didin't get any E-mail about that. + We can't clilck the link and when we write manuely, the link send us to a another empty account and we can't do anything. I reported that account and i can't contact with it anymore but my friend didin't reported and still can write a message to it. This is a scam account or something? I'm leaving photo at down with name.
  3. I writed to the Help Center and they didin't answered me correctly too. I did everything correctly by read Terms of Service.
  4. Hello, what i must need to do for approved account? I have 8 years of experience at my category and i was working on Fiverr before, now, Fiverr is not approving my seller profile. I used original pictures of my Models "I'm 3D Modeler", I didin't used any free-model or pic. from google. I verifed my ID, Photo, Phone etc. What i must need to do more for being approved? Thanks.
  5. I waited like a 16 hours and still waiting, when anybody can help me?
  6. Firstly hello, i was have a account and that account is disabled because of my age. To be honest, at the mail page, i didn't see any "permanently disabled" or something. I was at my 17 when my account is disabled and i'll be at my 18 in next 3 days. I just wanna know, is there any chacne to enable my account back when i was get 18. This account disabled at 12 June and i pay ADV. at 1 July, When my account disabled i paid a ADV. Is that mean my account is still alive but i can't contact with it? Here is the mail; This message is to let you know that your Fiverr account was disabled by our system for violations of our Terms of Service and/or other policies. Due to your account being disabled, you cannot log in or withdraw any funds you may have. If you have any funds available for withdrawal 90 days from now, you will get an email with instructions explaining how to withdraw. This email will be sent automatically and there is no need to contact customer support. Learn more about disabled accounts. We wish you best of luck moving forward. Thanks, The Fiverr team Is that mean my account can be enable again? I really need to know that, thanks.
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