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About hello3ni

  • Birthday 08/27/2004


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  1. Hey, I'm also new on Fiverr but I know a bit about Keywords research. So id recommend you to have a look your gigs keywords. If you put the wright keywords in your title their is high chance to get impression. Not only this but also you can use an attractive thumbnail to attract clients attention. Here are few things you could add: Keywords Research Use Video as a Thumbnail FAQ ( Keywords) Use Keywords in your description Don't use any copyright sentences
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm new on Fiverr and created my first Fiverr gig. Unfortunately, I got a message to verify Fiverr account. I uploaded all documents in order to verify my account. But still I received and message to complete the verification I've to Complete payment which is $3. Does Fiverr required and make it mandatory for new Seller? Thanks in advanced.
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