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  1. Hello, I have been trying to withdraw $16 from my Fiverr account for more than 2 weeks, it was closed due to non-compliance with regulations, I waited my 90 days until my email arrived and they gave me access to the account. I proceeded to enter my paypal account and waited 24 hours. Once the 24 hours were completed I tried to withdraw and it gave me the problem that I couldn't withdraw because an error occurred. I wrote to support and unfortunately they didn't solve anything for me. My account exceeded 7 days, I wrote to support again and they reopened it. I tried again with a second Paypal account, but this time from a friend. Same problem, to this day I still can't withdraw and Support has unfortunately washed their hands of it. If anyone could help me please. All the information is correct, I must withdraw $16, currency $, My account is verified. Any solution and thanks?
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