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  1. @catwriterObviously every new member on the platform starts with 0 feedback, but I mean that the first order is very difficult to receive because there are many sellers with a lot of feedback and this can cause greater difficulty in selling the service.
  2. @creative_howlI can't figure out if the problem is in the description, or as I think, in the feedback. By not having feedback I think customers don't feel inspired to place an order.
  3. @filipdevaereThanks for your time, I know there is a lot of competition in the logo market.
  4. @mynk28thanks for your advice, I think that for the level of quality I offer in the work, the price is already quite competitive
  5. @milos_sienaThank you for replying, do you think the description needs to be changed?
  6. Are reviews the only reason I'm not getting orders despite 1200 impressions and 35 clicks? Hi everyone,I'm a new seller on Fiverr, and I've recently noticed that my gig has reached 1200 impressions and 35 clicks, but unfortunately, I haven't received any orders yet. I'm wondering if the lack of reviews is the only reason potential customers are hesitant to make a purchase.Has anyone else experienced something similar? Do you think reviews are crucial for getting orders, or are there other factors I should consider? Any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated!Thanks in advance for your help! Gig link: https://it.fiverr.com/s/0bdQQ0v
  7. @brealsMr. Breals, thank you for your additional feedback and for the advice to niche down my work. Although I have the skills to deal with any context, I consider your advice very important. I wish you a good day and good luck.
  8. @filipdevaereI really appreciate the advice you gave me, but I am aware that the market I am dealing with is very saturated. I repeat, I don't think it's impossible to succeed in working as a logo designer even though it is very difficult. Thanks for the advice on my profile, I will change it. Thank you again for your time and wish you the best.
  9. @filipdevaereThank you so much for your advice and your time!
  10. @filipdevaere@onik_wpthanks, I know there is a lot of competition for logo design, but is it really impossible to do it?
  11. Why am I not getting my first order despite impressions? Hi Fiverr community,I'm a new seller and I've launched my first logo design gig. So far I've received 699 impressions, but I still can't get my first order.Here's the link to my gig: https://it.fiverr.com/s/ljdYQ4RI was wondering if anyone could share their experience or give me some advice on what I could do to improve my chances of getting orders. Are there specific factors I should consider? What might be preventing clients from clicking on my gig and placing an order? Do you have suggestions on how to improve my visibility or appeal? I appreciate any feedback or advice you can provide. Thanks in advance for your support!
  12. @ratanmlThank you for the additional advice! You make a great point about the importance of market research, especially in such a competitive space. I understand that ranking is crucial to appear higher in searches, so l will definitely take some time to analyze similar gigs and see how I can make my offering stand out in a unique way. Your feedback is really helpful for me to improve and grow on Fiverr. I appreciate you taking the time to provide thoughtful suggestions.
  13. @ratanml Thank you so much for your feedback! I really appreciate your thoughts. If you have a moment, I would love for you to check the link I provided in my description, as it gives a clearer view of what I’m offering.
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