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  1. Thanks for your response. Lena, my question is that my gig is active, getting impressions clicks, and messages, my account is active in the status, but only new gig is not allowed to be created. I just want you to resolve it. Kindly understand my pain point.
  2. Hello everyone, I recently created a new seller account on Fiverr and initially received approval with a unique gig. However, after just a few hours, I was notified that my seller account was not approved. Despite this notification, my account and gig appear to be active, as they are receiving impressions, clicks, and even messages from potential buyers. When attempting to create a new gig, I receive a message stating that I am not an approved seller. This discrepancy is confusing, as my profile is active, and my gig appears in search results. Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have any insights into why my account and gig are showing as active despite the disapproval notification? Any advice on how to resolve this situation or further steps I should take would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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