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  1. My Gig Impressions Are Over 100+, But No Clicks or Orders—What Can I Do to Improve? Hello everyone, I'm relatively new to Fiverr and have noticed that while my gig impressions are consistently over 100+, I'm not getting any clicks or orders. I've tried optimizing my gig title, description, and tags, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. Could anyone provide advice on what might be going wrong or tips on how to improve my gig performance?
  2. thanks for the good suggestion. Can you suggest a few relevant keywords?
  3. Thanks for your concern. please can you guide me and explain to me what can i make changes
  4. I created my 2 gigs on Fiverr in 2024 and received an order within the first week. However, it's been three months since I completed that order, and I haven't received any new ones. My gig impressions are low, often around 60 or fewer. When I search for the keywords in my gig title, my gig appears on the third page. Despite trying various changes to the title, tags, description, and thumbnail, nothing has improved. What can I do to increase my orders and impressions?
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