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  1. @ana_tomy You've explained that my verification won't work because I couldn't take the photo with my smartphone and I simply uploaded existing images. So how do I stop the verification process and start again? I'll also need to figure out, how do I get the smartphone to use the camera and not just limit me to existing photos... But first I need to stop the existing verification processes because it just isn't coming to an end.
  2. @ana_tomy but on my smartphone when I did the verification process your website didn't allow the camera to work it would only except images that had already been taken. I've now installed your app on my smart phone will that enable the camera to be used for the verification process?
  3. I've finally managed to get the verification process to start, previously my smartphone just wouldn't start the verification process. However now I got my smartphone to start the verification process, it couldn't take photo of me or my passport, I had to upload existing photos that were stored on my smartphone. Now that I have uploaded a picture of my passport and a picture of myself from my smartphone, my computer now goes to the page I've pasted below, and I've been waiting over 24 hours for this webpage to finish verifying me. Any ideas?
  4. I filled in everything I needed to for my gig and then it took me to a page for verification. The QR code took my mobile phone to the fiverr website where it don't do anything except ask me to log in, however it wasn't trying to log me in, it was trying to create a new profile for me which it couldn't do because my profile already exists. And the SMS option to verify took my mobile phone to the same website. I tried to use my tablet to verify and the same thing happened. Sometimes I got a duckduckgo message saying it couldn't take me to that website. But nothing seemed to work in the verification process. Then I trying to click something on the computer was using in the first place and it seemed like it had logged me out and reset my password. So I changed my password and I can see that the gig I'm offering is listed on my profile, but I still haven't managed to do the verification step. I had a browse at the section where my gig should appear and it wasn't there. So will my gig just appear over time? Will I need to somehow get back to the verification step that doesn't work and somehow pass verification despite that step not working?
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