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  1. @Lena hey! i just completed my first gig. Did my verification, but Fiverr didn't pass my verification. i posted my student card for verification as i don't have my Id card. is that the reason for not getting my identity verification? or what? i posted all the information correct. also, if I'm currently unable to sell on fiverr, whats next? do i have to create new account? or make another gig video? I'm in huge mess...
  2. @josimuddin1 already did number of times, doesn't work
  3. @helali009 @ratanml My internet has no problem, and I've tried multiple times, its still there. Also I have already done the verification process, but no idea what that's for? @ummay_toma I have contacted them multiple times, but for this, got no response
  4. Hey, I'm new at fiverr. I just completed my first gig. And after so many steps. This is showing on my publish page. What does that mean? Do i have to wait for the verification or what?
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