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  1. I understand that those niches are also competitive, but I'm willing to learn and adapt to stand out. I'll focus on finding a specific niche within those areas and delivering high-quality services to build my reputation and attract clients. Thank you for pointing out the competition, it helps me prepare and strategize.
  2. Thank you for sharing your insights. I appreciate your willingness to help me understand how Fiverr's algorithm works. You're right, Fiverr does provide an initial boost to new sellers, and it's up to me to sustain that momentum. I understand that you're stating facts based on your experience, and I respect that. However, I'd like to believe that my hard work and dedication will also play a role in my success on Fiverr. I'll take your advice into consideration and focus on delivering quality services to my clients. I'm confident that with persistence and the right strategy, I can achieve my goals on Fiverr. Thank you again for your input. I appreciate your candor and willingness to help
  3. Thank you for your honest feedback. I understand your point, and I appreciate your concern. However, I'd like to clarify that my lack of reviews doesn't necessarily mean I haven't received any orders. I've been focusing on improving my skills and services, and I'm now ready to expand my offerings. Regarding my skills, I have experience in data entry, data conversion, and file management. I'm exploring new niches, such as virtual assistance, content writing, and social media management. I believe my attention to detail, organizational skills, and ability to learn quickly will serve me well in these areas. You're right; competition is high in my current niches, but I'm willing to adapt and evolve. I understand that ranking high in search results requires delivering quality services and earning positive reviews. I'm committed to doing just that. Thank you again for your input. I'll take it into consideration as I move forward.
  4. Thank you for your response, but I must correct you. Just because my account has been on Fiverr for 3 years doesn't mean my gigs have been here for that long. I've recently created new gigs and I'm trying to promote them. Additionally, I understand that Fiverr's algorithm prioritizes active and successful gigs, but that doesn't mean new gigs can't be given a chance. I'm not expecting special treatment, just a fair opportunity to showcase my services. Lastly, I'd appreciate it if you could provide constructive feedback instead of making assumptions about my gigs' performance. Let's focus on helping each other grow on this platform.
  5. Hello fellow sellers, I'm a new seller on Fiverr, and I've created a data entry gig. I've noticed that many established sellers advise new sellers to set low prices to attract buyers. However, with the new pricing structure starting at $20, I'm struggling to compete with existing gigs that offer similar services for $5. My question is: how can I, as a new seller, attract buyers when my minimum price is $20, but there are existing gigs offering the same service for $5? I'm not getting any orders, and I'm worried that I'll never be able to compete. If you're willing, please take a look at my gig (I'd be happy to share the link with you) and offer some feedback. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how I can improve and attract more buyers. Thank you for your help and guidance!
  6. Hello fellow sellers, I've created data entry gigs but I'm not getting enough impressions or clicks. I'm considering switching to a new niche where my gig can rank faster. Can you please share your experience on how long to wait for orders in a niche before moving on to a new one? Assuming I update my gig regularly (title, description, etc.), what's the maximum time I should wait for orders to come in? I'd appreciate any advice or insights from experienced sellers. Thank you!
  7. I've been dealing with the same problem for over 10 days now.
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