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  1. Oh, I will give you the answer. A bit of context behind this, my exams had just started, and they were finals so it's a big pretty big deal. I make my account unavailable for like nearly 2 months, because I was studying. I think this is why they sent me this email, i am not sure but here it is
  2. Thank you for your response. I am sorry, I wasn't able to access the forum with my other account. Could you guide me through the step on how do I follow up with the team after their response. I can't see any option there.
  3. I don't know. That's why I am here. They didn't even told me the reason of my account being disabled.
  4. I emailed them twice, they gave me the same automated answer
  5. I am saying I followed the rules because I never got a warning of any sort, which indicates that my account was following rules.
  6. No, I created this one because I couldn't access my primary one, Also to access this forum
  7. Dear Staff and Community members, I hope everyone is doing well. So, one morning I woke to this strange email from Fiverr saying that my account got disabled. I had a level 1 seller Fiverr account with satisfied buyers. I sent Fiverr support team mail twice but still they didn't gave me any response, they just straight up replied that my Fiverr account didn't obey Terms and Services and Community Guidelines. They didn't even tell me any particular reason. I need help because I am sure I followed rules, but still, my Fiverr account got suspended. I uploaded an old image of my Fiverr account below, i was even FIverr's choice for a while 😞 my_fiverr_username: toopros I would be extremely grateful if any of the Fiverr staff could help me recover my account. Thank you, Toopros
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