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  1. Thank your for your rely @Lena, Hope the issue is solved soon as it is preventing me from attracting new clients and continuing with open conversations. Best regards and good weekend to you too, Raquel
  2. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words!! I'll definitely give it a try (if Fiverr accepts me, of course!!) Once again, thank you for your help!
  3. Thank you @filipdevaere for the advice!! and you're right!! I'll follow your advice and apply for PRO seller though I don't know whether is very soon for my profile and I have real chances. However, I guess I have to try if that gives me more opportunities to have more incomes as being in Europe requires a high level of incomes. I'll check and revise my gigs (when Fiverr releases them 🤦‍♀️)
  4. Thank you for reply @filipdevaere!! Yes, my account was disabled a couple of days ago due to a verification error. I already opened a ticket and am waiting for a solution from the Fiverr team. All my active gigs are currently "denied". My intention was to sell high-level tickets as the work I do takes me days and days, which obviously I think needs to be financially "compensated". I send you a screenshot of the gigs although I can't go into each of them to send you an example of the description.
  5. Hi @filipdevaere!! Sorry for jumping into the conversation but in my case, I opened my account in July 2023, I have sold only 3 gigs. I have worked hard on the image of these gigs, with good explanation of the services and I have added keywords in my profile and in each gig. With each person who has contacted me I have responded promptly and have been polite and respectful. To date I have only made 3 sales over US$100, in fact it has been US$228, US$188 and US$108. I currently have the account disabled due to a verification error but, even if it wasn't disabled, I don't think I would be able to make sales as I had hoped, honestly. I don't know why I don't sell more. My services on Fiverr are cheaper than I would sell them in my home country and they are quality services. Honestly, I don't understand if it's a question of some algorithm either. Raquel
  6. Hello @Lena, I'm in the exact same situation. My account was disabled a couple of days ago (which I still don't know why since during the verification I uploaded high quality images of my ID Card and my selfie picture) and I already opened a ticket (#11947843). Do you mean all we can do is wait for the open ticket to be replied?? How long can this take? Thank you in advance! Raquel
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