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  1. Unfortunately, I have with no response for a week. Thanks for the reply 🙂
  2. I am not upset with Fiverr for having a Freelancer do this to me on their platform, I understand Fiverr just provides a way for Freelancers to connect with clients. I'm upset and frustrated with the amount of time having to wait for a response from Fiverr. I wasn't paying this Freelancer for the theme, I was paying him for the design work. I was given a choice of which theme to use and didn't understand that normally a premium theme would cost a large amount. I assumed it was just a random theme he created as I didn't understand how they worked and I assumed 'premium' was just a way of selling his service. This was a long time ago and I've done all my recent designs myself. I am complaining about the amount of time Fiverr has ignored my email for.
  3. It honestly is sad and he won't take any accountability or responsibility.
  4. I honestly had no idea about themes and I would have been more than happy using a free theme had I known the cost of the average theme. This was my sort of my first experience with Shopify and I had no design experience at all so I thought even the most basic design from Fiverr would be better than what I would have been able to do, and I didn't know much about themes or what they were or what they did. I've learned a lot now especially because of this incident but as I didn't know anything about it that's why it didn't ring any bells.
  5. I've made a reply to the thread already over 24 hours ago with no response is there really any point in commenting on the support ticket thread again.
  6. That is completely unfair because this person has deceived me over and there was no way of me knowing until months after the fact. Now my review is being used to promote his illegal activities on the platform. Can I at least remove my review? I don't want my review to encourage people to be in the same position I am. That's not right at all.
  7. Do you know how I can change my review about this person? It was a 5 star at first because no issues until now.
  8. He had 191 positive reviews and 2 bad reviews, I'm not sure why I over looked the bad ones I don't remember seeing them, I am usually the type to look for the bad reviews as well.
  9. It won't matter, I don't think I ever want to use Fiverr again after this. Thank you though, I appreciate that 🙂
  10. How long can I expect to wait? I couldn't believe I've already had to wait 144 hours already.
  11. Hello I unfortunately don't know what other choice I have other than to make a forum post about my situation and seeing if anyone else has had anything similar happen to them. I've been ripped off by a freelancer on Fiverr and when contacting the support they have ignored me for a week. In February I hired a freelancer to create a Shopify website for me, which included a premium theme according to the service description and our communications. About a week ago I received a Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown notice from Shopify for using an unlicensed version of the theme given to me by this freelancer. The original theme developers had reported me for using their theme without a license, which I had no idea about. The freelancer had not mentioned anywhere that this theme was unlicensed, violating Fiverr's guidelines for responsible digital creation. They had 191 positive reviews and 2 negative reviews. 1 of the negative reviews were explaining how they are in the exact same position as me. When I brought this to the attention of the freelancer, he claimed "That is fake from a fake buyer", "It’s from a fake buyer bro". He refused to accept that he has caused my business to be at legal risk. I've had to redo my entire website from scratch because of this. I've contacted Fiverr for a refund and my email has been ignored for almost a week. I followed up with a message in the thread yesterday asking how long it will take to receive a reply, also with no response. Has anyone else experienced similar issues with Fiverr support? Any suggestions on how to escalate this situation to get a resolution? Warm regards
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