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  1. I see, this really sucks, what will happen to my Bank account now? should I close it? or is there anything I can do to save my bank from these scams?
  2. Fiverr said I received a new payment for my service, but with a QR code to scan. Is this scam? Hi Guys, I just created my seller account yesterday here on Fiverr, and on the next day I received a mail from Fiverr looking like this. So, I was ecstatic because I finally had my first order and start making money, however, upon clicking on the message, it looked like this: then as I clicked it, I had this pop up in new window, and as I scanned the QR code; it leads me to a new window with a Fiverr lookalike website and says since I am new to Fiverr, for me to get the funds I must input my bank account info such as the card #, the name, date and year, cvv then the card balance which is weird as I have never encountered something like this before. Then after veryfing my details through that window, I received an email like this: Am I scammed? What should I do? I am so afraid that I might get banned from the platform or have my bank account compromised and my money taken away from me. I did reported the user who sent me the message and transferred the remaining balance to my other bank account, is this really a scam? I really received emails from this email address (<noreply@invisioncloudcommunity.com>) after the submitting my bank information through the QR code, it seems so legit. Can anybody help me with this?
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