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  1. It depends, its up to them. I can work both ways, with or without accessing their accounts
  2. Thank you so much! I tried all these methods, but personally I think senior supervisors are even more lazy they just close the request without solving it. i gave them long detailed paragraphs multiple times and as for proof i gave them links for multiple sellers on fiverr providing the same service but it was of no use…
  3. I’m posting this again I got no reply it’s urgent My account was suspended before, wrongly, so i contacted customer support and after 4 long months i got it back. I took all the necessary precautions as they said, changed my email, told them details, edited gig and profile description and finally finally finally my account was back but i didnt know that in a few hours that nightmare would repeat. i was asking customer support of precautions to take and general questions about my gig status, and i got a reply that my services violate their community guidelines, although, it didnt as my only service was creating houses in a videogame. i tried to explain this to customer support, made multiple support requests but all were replied with the exact same automated message. whatever question i ask them is replied with the same automated message and although i can login in my account i cant do anything im assuming this is because its partially disabled. i want quick action on this as this is my only source of financial income and i struggle to survive without this. i understand that i might be wrong and IF i was offering such services please reply to me and tell what was the thing that violates the guidelines so i can work on it rather than those automated replies. thanks.
  4. My account was suspended before, wrongly, so i contacted customer support and after 4 long months i got it back. I took all the necessary precautions as they said, changed my email, told them details, edited gig and profile description and finally finally finally my account was back but i didnt know that in a few hours that nightmare would repeat. i was asking customer support of precautions to take and general questions about my gig status, and i got a reply that my services violate their community guidelines, although, it didnt as my only service was creating houses in a videogame. i tried to explain this to customer support, made multiple support requests but all were replied with the exact same automated message. whatever question i ask them is replied with the same automated message and although i can login in my account i cant do anything im assuming this is because its partially disabled. i want quick action on this as this is my only source of financial income and i struggle to survive without this. i understand that i might be wrong and IF i was offering such services please reply to me and tell what was the thing that violates the guidelines so i can work on it rather than those automated replies. thanks.
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